Jim is such a inspiration

28  2017-02-07 by Dennyislife


Nice to see him preparing for his starring role in the remake of The Machinist. Anorexic creep.

I know I'm not being original here, but if he lifted weights like a man instead of just doing cardio he would probably have the definition of something resembling human.

I'm taking a leap here but my guess is you and jim have different goals. You probably are trying to attract a nice looking and healthful woman. Jim is attempting to attract another self hating older homosexual who also disdains women.

It's my understanding that Jim's trainer is a woman. That was his first mistake. I haven't worked out a day in my miserable life but even I know that maintaining the diet of a fucking squirrel doesn't exactly promote physical strength.

But according to jim his trainer is "hot". So he probably uses that so he can insinuate to his bro's that he's doing her. Plus can you imagine how distracted he'd be with a male trainer ?

I notice that this apartment almost always looks barren of any stuff. It's really odd.

It's an outward representation of his emotional mind

He can't have groceries in his place because it will trigger his food addiction.

That and he literally does not know how to prepare food.

He's got cash man he's too important to cook.

I've tried this. I just wind up going to the store hungry, and that's not good.

Yup. Grocery shopping hungry or high... no good.

True. I alway pictured his stupid celebrity photos all over the place. That over blinking weirdo.

Washing a blender frustrates him. He has the tenacity of a dead guys left shoe.

He then proceeds to tweet the company to complain.

It's empty,just like him...... Poor fella.

Every time Jim posts a video, you have to repost it here. You needy cunt.

I do?

This isn't a repost either sir. It's a wonderful photo of a svelte sweet boy

Yes you do.

I applaud him for going this long without killing himself.

Did this one cost $60k to make ? Is there a kickstarter ?

Yeah keep acting weird on social media. Your show and career are still dying and no one likes you.

Good point. This guy considers himself an A-list comedian, and this is what he's able to produce. It really shows a deep lack of thought or strategy and ability.

An inspiration to eat?

is jim the next one to slowly spiral into the same depths opie and anthony are in?

Comedy's Karen Carpenter. They'll be making talking heads go on about how nobody told a child molesting joke like him for decades.

"a inspiration"


I hope the crossdresser's condom breaks off in his ass and he gets really really sick.

He's already got GRIDS. How much worse can it get?

tucks both his shirt and his loose skin in those shorts

matches his date's tuck in his shorts

where is the pridefc shirt?

I really believe him when he says the only reason he doesn't have a gun is because he'd blow his brains out. Looking at this, why wouldn't he? And it's much easier to pull a trigger than slicing open your veins or doing the ole' Robin Williams belt/door handle gag. That actually takes balls and commitment.

a very sad little man.

More like such a THIN-spiration.

The only ironic thing he did was tuck in his hoodie. The outfit itself is what he actually is wearing. Because he's a 50 year old 10 year old fag STILL trying to wash the taste of cum out of his stinky egg white hole.

Okay, but seriously. Is Jim autistic?

aids wraith

No, no, you see, he's dressing like a homeless teenager ironically. It's all a bit. A 23 year bit.

It's a Jimspiration, ya hunk of garbage!

Why did you post this photo of E.T.?

He then proceeds to tweet the company to complain.