tsss, Judt Appatoe is fawkin hilarryus!

37  2017-02-07 by TheAmazingPearl


What the fuck does that even mean?

It clearly means he is a racist!

Judd should have stopped at freaks and geeks

He should have stopped at birth

His grandmother should've been stopped at Dachau.

tssss tss he probably smells like KFC or sumptin tss this guys fawkin good

tsss wuss he like a big peeza fried chikin or sumthin?

Tsss, wait a minute I got one.

I bet his finger smells like fucking gravy or sumpin.. Fawk yea

His hair looks like cole slaw! tsss

Dis fawkin guy!

That was a very wordy way to get to nothing

Kind of like his movies

fawkin buried that cocksucka

Except this tweet didnt veer off for 25 mins so Judd could watch another man with his dried out wife.

You didn't think Funny People was a good movie about a self-hating man who further devolves into obscurity, trying to find a balance between lost love and reviving a surely-lost high point of fame?

God I hated that pile of shit. I was a fan of his until that 3.5 hour long sermon. I rewatched superbad recently and it doesn't hold up, either

I've just recently read that the commentary track for Superbad is brilliant, where Judd Apatow gets shit on by Jonah Hill eventually leading him to storm out of the recording. Hopefully it's no joke but I'll check it out.


Donald Trump...goes to KFC a lot?

Um, sick burn, I guess.

kfc is low class you see

Anyone that picks kfc over popeyes is fucling retarded

That's offensively unfunny.

KFC? I eat at KFC? What does that say about me, Judd? Am I a piece of shit because I eat at KFC?

Well, it does increase the likelihood of you being a nigger.

I don't think that was funny at all OP. You chose a bad example for your claim!

Poultry yuma.

What the fuck is he talking about? You can't just string two completely disparate concepts together and call it a burn.

"She probably smells like Donald Trump which means her perfume would probably smell like a campfire."

It's so stupid.

This doesn't make any sense. What an unfunny piece of gahbige.

Now his movies make sense.

knocked up is terrible, remember all the fags said it was one of the funniest shit ever mad

ouuy nyyyeee ats turrible

Tss, tss yeah Trump eats McDonald's on a private jet and shiznit.that don't make no sense. I'd be eating fawkin lobster ya heard?

This is a Ralph Wiggum joke. "Your dad smells like chicken because he eats a lot of chicken."

yes it is :)

Anyone that picks kfc over popeyes is fucking retarded.

Are you saying you love that chicken from Popeyes?

My old job used to share a parking lot with KFC. Not a Popeyes in the county.

Fucking Opie could do better than that. What a waste of air this guy is.

where we at with this kfc thing

Oh sure, it's fine to say Trump smells like KFC. But when I used to say Obama smells like KFC and watermelon, everyone called me racist.

I was banned from Sanders for president for saying Obama aped MLK to get elected.

Tss what is he haulin around Words Wit Friends or sumthin

Well now I know what I'm having for dinner tonite

He bumped an act at the Comedy Store last night to work that one out.

He does a lot of bitching for someone that grew up wealthy and not having to worry about money.

KFC smells great though. Sorry we all can't eat at fancy places like Red Lobster. I would go to Olive Garden but I already work at Panera Bread. Panera is just Olive Garden Jr, that's what we all say for a laugh as we open the store up. I'm gonna slit my wrists.

so she smells like niggers?

This guy! I'll tell yah there's nobody in show biz that can spin a witty yarn like Judd. He's as good as it gets.