Seth Rogan attacks Chinese man.

59  2017-02-07 by [deleted]


Deplorable! How much longer before Seth goes the way of Patton and starts eliminating all those who disagree with him? Should we hire a 24 hour security detail for Ant, maybe the dream team of Keith the Cop and Kenny?

Sont even talk about Kenny and Keith teaming up! It's illegal to create weapons of mass destruction

"weapons of mass destruction retardation."

Anthony is the only person I know who manages to look like a spic, a nigger and a chink at the same time.

but never white

The proudest "white" men are never actually white. Swedes just do their own thing, they enjoy being super sexy and don't have to brag about it. I come from Irish and Polish stock, "white niggers" for sure but still way "whiter" than Anthony genetically for sure.

ME: What was his name? Seth Hogan? Something like that... I don't even remember the guy's name to be total honest witchya.. sniff... that's the great thing about us.. we take our jabs and then we let you fade back into obscurity...

Leave it me...SNIFF Adjust Sports Bra

ME: Exactly, I never even huuurrrd of dis faaawkin' guy! What's his name, Erock? Shep Rogan? Don't know him. burp I spend my time watching Brother Wease, that's what I like to do with my life as a human being.

Ok, stay tuned, we got Seth Rogen in-studio. LOVE the Seth Rogen. Back after this.

ME: So this Step Logan guy was taking shots at us... Logan.. I wonder if he's related to Eric Logan.. E-LOW!!!! What kind of name is Step though? If you are supposed to be some big shot Hollywood guy you think you'd maybe pick a better name. Look, I get it.. My name is Opie and that's a dumb name but I'm stuck with this name. You think I wanna be Opie?! Trust me.. I don't! I was stuck with this name.. believe me!... Oh, what's that? It's Seth Rogan, not Step Logan... burp... I still don't know that faawwkkin guy...

I feel like Ant supplised his brother's kids with these "wacky" characters around the holidays when they were growing up, thus ensuring the cumia racism is strong for generations to come...I can just see brother joe laughing as his children underwent propaganda training.

Hey kids remember when your grown up to follow our family traditions by killing your brain cells with cheap swill and hating people that aren't white.

...with Japanese accent.

Well ching chong Chinaman did go to town.

I don't know why you guys have a problem with this. That bit kills at the Copacabana. Now someone get me a Lucky Strike and buy some war bonds!

Ahhhiii want, Ahhhmeryican hairhhstylee...

Look like like, Hollywood boiyyy....

vewy disrespectfur

I can't believe this show isn't a major success.

Exactly! What with the Gooko Marx gag glasses the gong and the rice paddy hat, TACS had all the makings of a soon to be classic perennial show.

Unfortunately it proved to be less than the sum of its parts.

All joking aside, the "Who are you I've never heard of you!" defense from celebrities (no matter how insignificant) is really infuriating.

I want to deport all Asians.

This - This is RIBRARY!!!

The proudest "white" men are never actually white. Swedes just do their own thing, they enjoy being super sexy and don't have to brag about it. I come from Irish and Polish stock, "white niggers" for sure but still way "whiter" than Anthony genetically for sure.

Exactly! What with the Gooko Marx gag glasses the gong and the rice paddy hat, TACS had all the makings of a soon to be classic perennial show.

Unfortunately it proved to be less than the sum of its parts.