A special thanks to Brother Joe!

25  2017-02-07 by Wolosocu

We can all agree that Brother Joe is a stupid worthless piece of shit who lives off welfare. But did you also know that Brother Joe can be a source of inspiration? Here's how...

Think about a point in your life when you were really down. Maybe a girlfriend broke up with you, maybe you lost your job, maybe you were on hard times and had to borrow money or move back in with your parents. Whatever the case may be just think to yourself "well, at least I'm not Brother Joe."

No matter how low you may be feeling we can all take solace in the fact that there is someone more ignorant, worthless and talentless. Brother Joe is the floor below which none of us can fall. For that, thank you Brother Joe! Thank you!


Youre the one writing about him at 9 in the morning on a workday.

It's almost like some people have internet access at work.




Leave it aloooonnneeee

Hi Joe.

It really is a truly selfless act on Brother Joe's part. Thank you kind sir.

Brother Joe is BBC master race

Brother Joe is a stupid worthless piece of shit who lives off welfare

Pimping your daughter out isn't welfare.

It's Tunisian culture

STEP Daughter!

It also isn't easy!

He's old, ugly, has impotent rage against liberals, posts constantly on social media, and his step-daughter is currently having her pussy touched ans fucked by his brother.

He stinks, and I don't like him.

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Brother Joe :

A person who is devoid of talent or charm and therefore must rely on a close family member (usually a younger brother) to provide them with sustenance, shelter and attention.

Wow I didn't realize until recently what a Brother Joe I've become. It's time to get my life together and stop being such a loser.

about | flag for glitch | Summon: urbanbot, what is something?

There is a class of people who contribute nothing to our society, who live extravagant lives based solely on the wealth and the shared surname that they and their family members hold. The come from another dimension and they steal the lifeforce; the pure essence of our children. Mainly through their saliva. They need this spit because they are fourth dimensional vampires with insatiable hunger. They crave the taste of a child's free will which resides deep within their salivary glands. I reported on this back in 1999 and it's all since been proven.

Are you 12?

If you became homeless, suddenly it would sound very appealing to be living in your n-rich brother's mcmansion

I'd sooner get Brother Joe'd out here in the middle of nowhere than lose face in front of my friends and family.

Are you 12?