Shots fire: Seth Rogan weren't you fired for being a racist

190  2017-02-07 by pascal7458



Oh wait for it--Anthony's about to get defended by a bunch of Long Island white knight sex offenders with 25 followers calling Rogen a cuck and a "fagget" (sp), then Rogen will rightfully ignore the whole thing.

If Ant didn't respond sarcastically, Seth would've ignored it.

Perhaps, but maybe that would have been the better outcome for both parties.

It would be fun to see some blood shed between Ant and an A-list celeb. Dailymail usually picks that shit up.

Man if this blows up ant might get fired and have to do a failing podcast until he dies choking on red wine at 63

You're too kind. I'm going with busweiser by the pool @ 61.

I agree but Ant, God love him, doesn't have the balls.

That and he is a geriatric.

I think fagit is a better spelling myself

This shit is real. Should we get involved and pour some gas on this, keep it going?

It would be wrong not to

It would be a shame if Seth also found out that Tranth is dating his niece.

It's weird how Anthony is a nigger and a redneck at the same time


East Side Dave.



He's like the blind black member of the KKK in the skit on Chapelle's Show.

Clayton Bigsby

I'm going to tweet this comment to Thomas Sowell.

just when you thought Tranthony couldn't be more of a ghoul

Tranth is dating his niece.

Did I miss some news brothaman?

I'll say!

wait what

If either of them ends up killing themselves, I think we can consider that a victory for the world in general.

It is our duty. Play both sides and make someone say something they shouldn't.

This guy gets it

Bring to bear all the power of the Hollywood Jews on Anth and make him take that one last step and recite the holy 14 words.

what are the 14 words?

"We want all the white pussy for our white dicks"

This leads me to believe that white racists are just sexually insecure needle dicks.

All pussy is not created equal. There is plenty of white pussy out there that I would glady exchange for black, asian, or even sheep pussy.

Black pussy is great.

I like to fuck trannies and bite my underage girlfriends when they are misbehaving.

(((play both sides)))

I forgot I'm shadowbanned. fuck this gay earth

You need to raise your twitter accounts like Al qaeda sleeper cells.

I got banned because of muslims please don't trigger me.

Then the terrorists have already won... 😢

Iv been suspended again.. I think it's for calling Sherrod a house nigga

Change your account to fake pro Muslim, and (((subvert)))

make your weaknesses into strengths, brother man

I'll give you a reddit account


Zyklon B is not a liquid gas, you can't really pour it on someone.

How can we make the most of it? I want this to hurt Seth more

I wonder if he's going to explain to Seth that the official reason that SiriusXM gave him wasn't about his being racist... it was about him tweeting violent messages saying he hopes that some homeboy shoots the prostitute who slapped him and SiriusXM didn't want to deal with a shit storm if one of Ant's retarded fans who wants an invite to the basement ran out into the streets and started shooting random black women to impress the radio guy.

he hopes that some homeboy shoots the prostitute who slapped him


how the fuck did you find this thread

I comment here @ times.

Listened, solely because of norton, since 99. Tragic really

Makes sense you'd be such a rupaul fan as well. I can see where the demographics cross over.

That's the story we were told, but it's pretty easy to connect the dots with the "savages" and "they aren't people" combined with "there's a problem with racism in the black community". Sirius wasn't going to stand by Ant after that.

Don't forget "I called her a #!&&@# because that's what she was!!!"

He said that shit daily for at least a couple years before his firing.

And we were the only cunts listening.

The funny thing was I thought he did it on purpose to get a full time gig on Fox News.

Turned out I was wrong, he's just a racist degenerate alcoholic who let his hatred of people fuck up his life.

Ohh now, that's just nitpicking.

No it'll be explained as how a black woman can simply call white people racist in this day and age, when hes the one who went on the rant and no one would have known about it if he didn't keep going and going and going all 5-day weekend. The funny thing is how he would go on these rants every other week around that time with tons of violent stuff (he definitely used to drunkenly write shit like "BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF THE DEALER AT THIS TABLE AT THE BORGATA! FUCK HIM!!!")


Do you guys think Anthony's cock plumped up when he got a response from an actual celebrity, for once?

No, that's Opie.

"Hudson, sir. He's Hicks."

Why don't you put her in charge?

It does kind of bum me out because Seth used to be pretty chill on O&A, didn't he even meet up with Ant's sister when she came in? Damn Twitter

Seth needs to glom on to that sweet liberal hollywood tit. His fat slug body will whither to nothing without it.

Ummm, Seth has another thing going for him that far surpasses anything being a liberal goy can get you

I don't follow. Hm?

Does he have to spell it out for you? He's related to Joe Rogan so he gets free alpha brain. It gives him an edge in the writing room.

I like you, JonnySprockets.

Oven dodger

I always assumed he and the peeps from Freaks and Geeks (the boys), were molested by Judd Apatow. But what do I know? I'm just a simple schmoe from Syosset, LI.

Opie would love you to call in the show

Twitter ruins everything. It gives these idiots with a talent an idea that anyone cares about their opinion. Do your tapdance and Fuck off.

He sold his soul to the devil for fame, just like the rest of them.

At least Anthony achieved greatness at one point in his career, Seth Rogen is an unfunny manufactured celeb whos very name makes a movie lose 75% of its potential market. I actually forgot he existed until now, remember when they crammed him down our throats for years and still nobody liked him?

Saying Anthony had a more accomplished career is saying that Bobcat is a far superior actor than Tom Hanks.

Can you fucking read? I said he achieved greatness. Does anybody really give a fuck about the shit-comedy assembly line of movies Rogen and Apatow has churned out for years?

My comment stands.

Nobody said he had a more accomplished career you strawman cocksucker. I said he achieved greatness. How dare you insult Bobcat.

Ya big dummy

You're either retarded or deluded. Sure, Rogen's movies are hit-or-miss but, when they hit, they're grand slams.

Which do you define as "achieving greatness":

-World-renowned celebrity and household name with many successful movies and a net worth of something like $50 million.

-Unknown niece-fucking, woman-beating alcoholic with a phony grandma perm and a perverted leech brother who pays children to spit in his mouth for sexual reasons.

Basically what you're saying is current status and public opinion determines if any content you ever made was great or not.

Not at all. I think you might have a learning disability because you don't seem to be able to draw logical conclusions through reading.

Anthony used to be very funny and created a lot of fun content. Seth Rogen is on a completely different level in every way possible. Sorry that your opinion as universal arbiter of "great content" is being questioned.

No offense taken, anybody who thinks Seth Rogen is so great obviously has superior comedic taste. Yuck.

Where am I saying that I think Seth Rogen is great? Do you have a learning disability? You said that "at least Anthony has achieved greatness", as though Seth Rogen has somehow done less than Anthony. That is insanity. A+ ballwashing of Tranpa, though.

I'm saying Rogen has never achieved greatness. Jesus. He sure has made a lot of fucking movies playing the same dude every time though.

Superbad was great and he wrote the movie as a teen. Freaks and Geeks and 40 year old virgin I liked a lot. All of his movies are successful and at least pretty good which is more than I can say about other actors.

He's an A list celebrity and you think some 2nd place Satellite Radio half a duo shock jock compares? What greatness did Anthony achieve? Outside the tri state area he's a nobody. Hes the less recognizable name from a dead radio show.

I'm saying as a radio host and personality, Ant was great in his prime and easily among the best. Nobody is defending his personal life now. Rogen was always just pretty good at best. If you want to count how famous or wealthy they are Rogen clearly wins. The point is, in their specific crafts, Ant was a waning great and Rogen was a consistent mediocre.

Ant was always a talentless cunt, tbh.

Well it sure wasn't his great looks or dazzling charm. Must've been his amazing co-host.

Canadian kike

the worst kind

The kind most deserving of being singled out amongst a crowd and shamed mercilessly.

It's always sad when Anthony gets insulted from one of his childhood heroes.

Ant is old enough to be father.

Maybe his girlfriend's childhood heroes.

Rogan is saying Breitbart is run by white supremacists? What an uninformed knee jerking cunt he is.

Still, Anthony has no place taking up this argument. Stand down Anthony, shhheeeze.

Poor Ant, he just wants to have an honest dialogue about race.

Ah, yes. The open and honest discussion

So far nobody has been able to open and honestly refute Ants claim that anyone of a different race and gender than him is inferior.

With his airtight "but there have been murders in Chicago!" argument

To be fair, I have yet to see bowling for behave

We'll see who gets the last laugh when Ant gets the studio in the city

And Rogen is NOT invited to the clubhouse.

Yes, Seth, he was.

I think they are both kind of right to be honest.

Oh no. Anthony is fucked. I like Seth but don't like the left wing politics. I like Seth even more now.

Idk about this one I like Seth, and what he said about Ant isn't wrong

But only we get to mock Ant.

Seth just pulled a Matt Donaher, though. Anthony didn't appreciate it.

When your claim to fame is being fired for calling a woman nigger no one is ever going to take your opinion seriously again.

But Anthony is a dunce, from a dunce family.

I always thought he called her a wild rabid animal and his defense was that it was because she attacked him? I don't remember him calling her a nigger but we all know he said worse shit on air before

He didn't call her a nigger in his tweet specifically but said in a tweet that he called her a nigger. So. Basically.

"Because that's what she WAS!"

Well what was he supposed to call her? Madame?


He should have called her "I'm sorry, I thought it would be a really nice picture, can I email you a copy? If not I can delete it"

Dude was wandering around Times Square at 3am, drunk, with a gun.

You are a liar and a sissy.

Whis is exactly what would happen if she didnt trigger him by being a nigress.

He could have tried to not get beaten up by a woman and then cry about it on Twitter.


It was "savages" and "not human."

"I called her a fucking '&$;;-:' cause that's what she WAS!"

Fuck you, Ant was right about that one. Even if we give him a lot of shit, we shouldn't act like he was fired for a good reason. The "biz" is irredeemably full of shit.

Well I don't know if he was "right about that one". But it was silly to fire him. We all know hes said worse on the air(he could have been fired for a million things he said over the years).

but when that's your claim to fame. That's all people will remember and no one will take your opinions seriously again.

Anthony has always been a joke but now he is just a punchline. Total loser.

Even with all the silly reasons Sirius gave. I still blame Ant for fucking it all up. You dont go to times square at 3AM thinking youre gonna be treated nicely. The twitter rage was just simply irresponsible behavior for someone with a broadcasting job. He should have kept his cool. Like a normal person

Exactly. And that's not even considering that he wasn't taking that photo as art. He was taking that photo to be like "look at this gross hooked I saw"

Italians are basically niggers, so joke's on Ant.

Actually he was fired for the amount of "violence" referenced in his tweets. Particularly saying something like I hope you homeboys shot you in the face of something.

How will Opie attempt to shoehorn himself into this?

ME: Box office star talking O&A on twitter!

It would be funny if someone dropped the Cake Stomp thing into.

That's the bit Seth! Love ya miss ya.

How about a little retweet love for the Opester??

How dare this liberal call into question the integrity of Uncle Boyfriend!!

It's a stretch, but I'm going out on a limb here and think Ant is probably going to lose this one.

Because of the jews?

That's a given

He wasn't fired for being racist, he was fired because SiriusXM has no balls and then his partner stabbed him in the back.

He was fired for being racist.

Currently trying to drag Opie into it

Yeah... And you've listened to the show how often?

I listened from the early 2000s up until a couple years before Ant got fired. Do you have any follow-up questions?

ME: nice try with the hate tho.

What website are they talking about? I know Anth likes niggermania and worldstarhiphop (aka niggermania).

probably breitbart

Nintendo has an ad on Breitbart and Rogen did what that faggy Matt Donaher did to Jerry Seinfeld: tell on him. Like he's 5 years old and someone just said that Mortal Kombat is better than Donkey Kong.

Hahaha Rogen sucks.

Wow, that got cucky fast.

what is happening here?

Three people who mistakenly think twitter is real

Ant's funny as fuck and interesting but jesus he's hard to defend these days.

tss why u bring jesus christ into this. you the pope or somethin tss

seth is being a dumbass, this stemmed from his calling breitbart a site run by white supremacists, he's drinking the regressive liberal koolaid probably believes everyone on the "alt right" = racist

"regressive liberal"


Isn't the alt right kind of admittedly racist? I read that (painfully self-important) explanation of the alt right by Milo and it seems to play a pretty heavy role in their outlook.

The whole "we just prefer a homogeneous society" sounds like the "separate but equal" shit from the 50's.

Hes still kinda right about Ant tho

Twitter beef can definitely be fun, but more importantly Anthony is fucking his niece. And someone should notify the authorities that brother joe has effectively pimped out his stepdaughter that he's been the daddy of since she was 11 years old that he pimped her out for money.

Guys is this real? Cause it seems way too outrageous even for this olive trash family. I feel like I'm being hoodwinked here. If this is real I'm dissapointed in this sub for the lack of enthusiasm and action

Seth is still a Howard guy.

Rogan's star has really fallen since that failed promotional stunt on the North Korean movie.

That's a pretty fantastic response actually.

Ant's a racist piece of shit. Any intelligent person knows this.

Fucking lol @ "I'll judge for myself, thanks."

Yes, racist white man, you surely can judge who is and is not a white supremacist.

It's true but Rogen is still a moron.

Agree with everything you said except for your implication that Ant is white (he's clearly not). And he does know how to judge who is a real white supremacist. The real, true white supremacists are the ones that don't let him into the meetings he tries to attend.

Agree with everything you said except for your implication that Ant is white (he's clearly not). And he does know how to judge who is a real white supremacist. The real, true white supremacists are the ones that don't let him into the meetings he tries to attend.

Wow Ant still hasn't replied.

Now now, I'm sure Keith will step in and iron everything out in no time.

Shots fire

I think you mean "Shots fired."


antwon is trash but hating on people like rogan is more fun. fuck that dude weed lmao 40 year old

He's not wrong

He's not wrong

Censors Redbar from making fun of Joe Materese because it might stop big guests from coming in.

Goes onto have a twitter beef with Seth Rogen.

Team rogan

Fuck outta here Seth. I get all my news from Breitbart & Infowars.

dvv dvvdvv

Its disgusting how comfortable these Jews can be to question Whites in the society they created all the while Rogen a Pro israel supporter remains silent at the racism and ethnic cleansing that happens in that state to black people not just Palestinians but black Jews.

And this is means what exactly??? oh look an over the hill action star of yesteryear suckles on the jewish hollywood tit, 'Major Surprise' there.

Seth (ewwwwwww, naming your kid "Seth." Should I show my Christian pride and name my kid Ezekiel?) is the living embodiment of the Jewish Hollwood good ol' boy network. His best, and what should have been his last, role was as the thick, dumb bully in Donnie Darko.

Seth's tweet before the one involving ant had 60k more likes. I'm starting to get the inclination that the rest of the twitterverse isn't as involved in the life's of o&a as we are.

I mean... he was

Ant has no leg to stand on fighting twitter battles. There is so much easily googled shit on him that he has no comeback from.

Nice, France was a rough! One

Gavin said he was exonerated you cuck

Abu bakir bhagdadi said Antwan was on the team so who knows really

I'm going for Seth Rogan only because as far as I know, he has NOT said he would bang a 13 year old.

Seth Rogan only proves Ant's point that the left don't care about details, don't want a discussion; everything is identity politics.

But he's a drug addict, so I wouldn't expect him to think anything through.

The guy who smokes pot and makes movies is a drug addict, but not the guy who carries guns while he's popping bills and slamming beers ruining his life. He has had multiple incidents involving violent confrontations with women that have tanked his life.

Yeah but weed sometimes makes you eat too much ice cream.

Can't they both be drug addicts? Lord knows I am.


I hear compoundmedia is a great place to go for open and honest discussions of racial issues

Breitbart is literally run by Zionists.

Seth fell for the controlled opposition meme.

We both know zionists wants what's best for America. That's how it works now.

Trump supporter are being cucked, a word they love to throw around

Rather be friends with jews than dune coons is all

Well ya boy didn't put the saudies or Pakistan on the list . So I guess you got two masters

Gas the kikes i stand with ant

First Seth takes on Sexism when he and Amy Schumer did an ad featuring the Wage he is single-handedly taking on racism?

The only Canadian who can save The US!

Seth Rogen is a beta male piece of shit. Fuck him.

I don't know why people are downvoting facts.

You guys are right. Ant should never discuss politics, race, or anything that could offend people. If he's racist he should just keep it to himself. That would be much better radio.

i agree, but stupid Ant is doing his solo shitshow. If he had half a brain he'd save the rants for his show.

Anthony isn't on the radio anymore.

Why can't ant just keep his mouth shut and go back to sirius with jim and sam. Only proud boys and some white nationalists give a shit about his 'free speech' platform on compound media. I'd rather hear ant and norton do platoon lines.

Sirius will never hire Anthony back. it ain't gonna happen. It's over.

They made Jason Ellis the focal point if a whole channel and haven't fired Opie yet, anything is possible.

But Jason Ellis isn't a racist pedo woman biting who is banned from the building.

keep his mouth shut and go back to sirius, to do what? PC drive time radio. Another brilliant fucking idea form a another "I'm with her!" voter

LOL. Another stupid comment from someone who thinks that the GOVERNMENT is putting poison in our drinking water to turn people gay and control the population. Have fun with Alex Jones - he thinks you're a moron too, but he's happy to accept your donations and ratings.

Why would he want to go back to that POS institution?

They just gave Jason Ellis, aka waste of space, his own channel.

More money and to do a show that people actually listen to.

I doubt Sirius would give him more money. And satelite radio is losing it's audience I'm convinced of that.

He's probably making 200k a year now. Sam might be making more than Ant, at this point.

Doubtful. Sirius is notorious for shitting on their talent with no top name billing. Sam likely got a raise but not that much. He's probably getting Dennis Falcone money.

Opie and Ant were making around 3 mill a piece. Jim's prob making 750k a year now, sam maybe 200. They'd prob give any 500, especially if they got rid of opie's contract by firing him

Dayummmm World Starrr. World Starr nigga. World Starrr

Seth Rogan trying to come off as holier than thou but he probably fucks kids and also does illegal drugs (as do I). He is nowhere near as funny as Anthony and never will be. I hope he dies soon.

I would go with the drunken racist woman-beater over that cucked SJW hollywood pussy hypocrite, by a mile

Sorry I don't have 3 friends that put me In all their movies.

every seth rogan interview responses: (in a resin sore-throaty sound) u huhhh huhhh huuuuh huuuh huuuh huuuh huhhh huhhh u huhhh huhhh huhhh huhhh

Nobody, but nobody takes that tone with our beloved racist, long island white trash, new money wop except us.

Sirius didn't know he was racist before the hire?

Is there nothing more pathetic than large bearded men in Hollywood parroting a woman's platform just to appeal to them for more free fame pussy in every city they travel to? Seth should be ashamed of himself for what he became.

Anthony is terrible at internet arguments, I have no faith in him recovering from this.


If Ant didn't respond sarcastically, Seth would've ignored it.

I think fagit is a better spelling myself

I always thought he called her a wild rabid animal and his defense was that it was because she attacked him? I don't remember him calling her a nigger but we all know he said worse shit on air before

what are the 14 words?

Currently trying to drag Opie into it

Fuck you, Ant was right about that one. Even if we give him a lot of shit, we shouldn't act like he was fired for a good reason. The "biz" is irredeemably full of shit.

Italians are basically niggers, so joke's on Ant.

Actually he was fired for the amount of "violence" referenced in his tweets. Particularly saying something like I hope you homeboys shot you in the face of something.

Yeah... And you've listened to the show how often?

Doubtful. Sirius is notorious for shitting on their talent with no top name billing. Sam likely got a raise but not that much. He's probably getting Dennis Falcone money.