A non-white person mocks Seth Rogen.

10  2017-02-07 by [deleted]



Oh, Ant'ny...

Well another bridge burned, but no worries, Joe Devito in studio tomorrow!

And on Thursday, some hillbilly truck driver who fucks a sock. Compound Media.

I dunno if the guy who said "I called her a &!@@#% because that's what she was" and "they aren't people!" and then frantically tried to delete his tweets as he explained that nothing he said was racist is the best judge of what qualifies as white supremacy and what doesn't....

Idk what you people don't get, Anthony is not racist. Racism can only be had by white people because they have a power structure.

Did he actually delete them?

Yeah... the most damaging ones... but not before people archived them.

All I remember seeing that day (I don't think I read reddit often back then) was the "legal, white gun owner" one. Which is pretty rough on its own.

Yeah that tweet wasn't the worst of them. He had a whole bunch of tweets about how "they aren't people" and he admitted to calling her a "&!@@#%" and then after deleting it said he never called her a nigger even though that is obviously what that text was describing.

Where would one find such an archive?


A bunch of the tweets are shown in this video if you can get thru 12 minutes of The Young Turks breaking this situation down. I'm sure somebody else on here has the tweets saved without the video though.

he deleted like 8 months of tweets when shit hit the fan.

Were those two the only really bad ones?

I wish I could of been a fly on the wall when he had the self realization he is a racist asshole and needs to bury it.

It's either could HAVE or could'VE, but never could OF.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

At this point yes, even a guy who did all those things is qualified to judge white supremacy, because that's how meaningless the term has become.

BLM just accused fucking Justin Trudeau of being a white supremacist, and I've been reading articles all day about how the fucking Patriots win reinforces white supremacy and 'structural racism'. So yes, Anthony is qualified. Because the answer is always no.

Yeah but having a racist come out and defend your website as not being racist is about as effective as having a SJW come out and say that the Huffington Post isn't liberal. He's not the right messenger for the message.

I guess that makes sense.

Especially since most people don't even realize that Anthony is black. If they knew that then it'd make perfect sense for him to be saying that Breitbart isn't racist. If he started his tweet by saying "as a black man..." then it would have much more weight behind it.

Actually, he should just start every tweet with 'as a black man...' from now on.

That Seth Rogen is hilarious. Did you guys see that movie where he smoked weed?

Dude, weed LMAO.

omg I know LOL

No, and it was shit.

I truly fucking abhor that movie.

Rogen was a fan, too. Not to say Anthony should moderate his views or kowtow, but come on dude, at least be the funny alt-right-ish go between to these celebrities you already won over a decade ago. Is impressing Fred from Brooklyn and Joe Currie worth this at the end of the day?

It's not 'alt-right' to point out that the term 'white supremacist' is now a meaningless expression and Breitbart is run by an orthodox jew.

Someone has to do it, and I appreciate the fact that Anthony doesn't give a shit about burning bridges with these Hollywood douchebags.

Trying to play along and be funny about it doesn't cut it anymore; in case you haven't noticed, these 'comedians' have ZERO sense of humor about anything political, and you'll get called a white supremacist regardless of whether you're disagreeing with them gently or harshly. Because everyone who disagrees with them is a nazi, period.

In other words: Fuck Seth Rogen.