Child murder enthusiast and owner of breasts admired by Antwan Kumiya, Casey Anthony, spotted at Trump protest

9  2017-02-06 by ThisGameIsWeird


I'd fuck her until she bled cum

Ohh now, language!

Now I know of two anti-Trump murderers.

Is the other that woman's march lady who shoved a pole up a guy's ass, tortured him, then killed him?

Or would she be the third?

Oh yeah, forgot about that one. Make it three.

Imagine if a prominent Trump supporter were known for shoving poles up guys' asses, torturing them, then killing them.

Do you think CNN would cover it, or nah?

you're brewing up a /pol/ psyop with the likes of Trump's piss fetish

The left loves guilt by association, if she was a supporter of him the story would be on CNN

Trump approved of a mission that killed a 8 year old girl, I guess he and Anthony do have something in common still.

To be fair, he signed off on the mission but didn't want to go down to the basement in his pyjamas in the middle of the night.

Poor signal for Twitter feed in the situation room

War sucks. Trump doesn't. Casey better.

Oh, so you kill one kid and suddenly you're an enthusiast? I played racquetball once, but nobody calls me a racquetball enthusiast.

If you changed "murder" to "spit" in the topic title, I'd think you were talking about Brother Joe.

Poor signal for Twitter feed in the situation room