This piece of shit needs to be deboned like a chicken

6  2017-02-06 by bobomobile



So much for black people aging well.

Don Cheadle, Ving Rhames, Chappelle.

Can't wait to hear what Anthony has to say on the matter.

The protests over this are going to be INSANE

I bet Sharpton will be all over it

I was honestly expecting the first scene from 2001 or something equally as racist, but that made me loff.

He defended the Jena 6, six black guys who stomped a white kid into a coma because they wanted to beat up "the next white person they saw". They got sentences of 15-20 years because it wasn't a first offense for any of them, but because they were juveniles their records were sealed. If they could turn that into a civil rights issue, they can do it for anything.

hey now he was a honor student and and a very good boy according to his parents, and obviously, dindu nuffin'.

wew lad

indeed, I hear he wuz kang

I bet Obama would have a son that looks like him.

Black Twitter is already saying his arrest is suspect. The Police should have just tipped Karina's father off to who he was & they could have handled it Howard Beach style.

Damn! You took it back, way back...

His face makes me suddenly hungry for chocolate pudding or cake batter.

Who is the idiot twitter guy?

That's a pretty inflammatory headline for a liberal rag. I guess they aren't all faggots over at the Daily News.

more like deseeded like a watermelon

Oh no he killed a precious white girl!

Just imagine the lawyer that has to defend this dude...

I'm imagining a jew.

Low IQ, high testosterone: a terrible combination.

bred for stupidity and physical strength. in hindsight, not such a good plan.