Why I'm No Longer Supporting The New England Patriots - Teresa Hsiao

2  2017-02-06 by bobomobile


For me, the most disappointing part in all of this is not that Brady or Belichick are Republicans. Or that they supported and voted for their friend. The most disappointing part is that they never publicly condemned Trump for some of his most appalling language.

[Archive.is] (archive.is). It's not difficult.

we /r/thedonald now

No wonder why family guy sucks!

But they supported a man who disparaged women

They should have supported the woman who not only knowingly stayed with a man who cheated on her, but at times helped him skate on his sexual crimes against other woman. That would have been a much better alternative.

For me, the most disappointing part in all of this is not that Brady or Belichick are Republicans.

It's fucking hilarious she thinks this needs to be clarified.

The most disappointing part is that they never publicly condemned Trump for some of his most appalling language.

I'm not surprised this dope believes if you don't give an opinion on a topic you must support it.

Jesus christ, everything that ever happens is now racial. I'm rethinking my decision to eat salmon for dinner tonight because salmon comes from the Latin word "salmo" which means "to leap" with is doubly racist because not only does "salmo" sound like "Sambo" but the association "to leap" with salmon suggests that salmon may be better jumpers than other fish and of course the stereotype is that black people can jump higher than other people. Jesus Fuck

aside from it being childish, and stupid, that line of thinking seems very exhausting....

You do know that it was a joke right

I should have clarified...i wasnt directing that comment at you, it was directed at those who actually think that way. Of course, you dont think that way.

ha ok you just never know nowadays

Every damned sports team and corporation for that matter employ people who voted for Trump. Why doesn't she just go off the grid, live from the land, and shut the fuck up?

Who gives a shit who she supports?

I'll answer myself : no one

" don't begrudge anyone who's sticking with the team. For me, personally, I just don't think their success would bring me joy anymore."

You're right guys, this woman you've never heard of is so unreasonable.

You're right guy cum is delicious.

Yellow journalism

Yet football is full of nothing but fucking murdering, violent, wife beating sociopaths... but no, voting republican is the last straw.... And while reading that I was thinking "Who gives a fuck..." and then I realized it was huffington and it all made sense.

teresa hsiao

I don't even have to click on the link to know what this shit is about.

Fuck these hip asians. All the Peter Kim's all the Melissa Chang's

Her cooter smells like dry oatmeal.