Ant v Patton

37  2017-02-06 by Dennyislife


God forbid someone does attack a Trump property I'd hope this tweet is plastered every where and Patton can pull up a seat next to his wife.

Hopefully it happens either way.


He's just promoting his fellow ally in terror. 2 men of similar ilk, those two.

"Kill a bunch of people because I don't like the president!" - Typical Leftist

"Kill a bunch of fat women because I like it!" - Patton Oswalt

wait, so why are we against him again?

So ants never going to argue context or humor anymore I guess.

the left were stupid and got rid of context.

Why did the right follow though?

because they are getting revenge for it.

They are also stupid.

Remember the days when they at least tried to imply they were responsible adults? Now it's "waaaah you childishly taunted us and made us look stupid I'll get you right back!"

It's called beating them with their own club and it's very effective.

Sometimes you have to fight dirty when your opponent won't play by the Marquess of Queensberry rules.

We don't do it to each other, only to people on the left. Because holding them to their own ridiculous standards is a completely valid rhetorical tactic.

After reading this, I don't feel bad about this sub slamming him for killing his wife. Carry on, give him both barrels gentlemen.


"Kill a bunch of fat women because I like it!" - Patton Oswalt