Anthony literally dating his Niece

53  2017-02-06 by [deleted]




Patton Oswalt's wife committed suicide with her husbands fists.

It wasn't a slow death either. His hobbity proportions means there's not much power behind them.

i couldn't belive it at first too.

so disgusting


He tweeted a picture of him and her kissing. Someone found a pic of brother joes daughter online and it matched. Anthony promptly deleted his tweet.

Anyone save it?

Isn't Brother Joe's daughter a little girl, like 5 or 6?

Gonna need a screenshot on this.

he thought no one on reddit would do the work to add two and two.

For real ? Is that the girl he shot in the photo at that phat suite at a place called Foxwoods ?

No that's a boy.

What is this story? A joke? Or a real deal? Details please.

Ant is/has been dating Brother Joe's step-daughter. Not related by blood, but though marriage. She's a 19 year old hair dresser Stony Brook. The man has no morals, and I'm assuming she is blind, because she's actually really hot.

Holy shit, is this for real? The hillbillies in Deliverance would be proud. Until they saw his skin tone and kinky hair. At which point they'd shoot him.

you got a pretty mouth.

These are the guys calling people degenerate?

Ffs, Ant. You're toxic

money aint nigga

I don't even know if this is real or not; but I'm going to believe it is, anyhow.

I would venture to guess he knew her since she was a child because Joe has been with the same chick for a while? What a fucking creep.

Not sure how long they've been together.

If Joe been with her mom for 2 years Ant has known her since she was child.

This guy is a sick piece of shit. It won't be long before he's behind bars for good for some real fucked up sex crime. Degenerate fuck.

Probably part of Brother Joes plot to gain control of Anthony's remaining millions. She dates Anthony, hints she wants to get married, Brother Joe tells him to do it that he'll never find a better girl than her. 6 months later she files for divorce and gets half and gives part of her share to Joe in payment for suckering Anthony into marrying her.

Don't forget Joe banged Anthony's wife before he married her so maybe that's happening in this case too. Heck Joe may have gotten some of that divorce money too.

This is like some "Borgees" type stuff

Here'sh the thing ....

If there's one thing Brother Joe ain't it's crafty.

wow that's fucking abhorrent pic?

Shit, now I have to edit my comment about the most embarrassing things he's done.

ant is fucking his brothers step daughter? good god wtf is wrong with him? he needs to be executed. thought he was with that hot 22 year old at the casino and i actually thought good about him for about 5 seconds. what a fucking ghoulsih creepy pock marked piece of shit.

how hot

Holy lol

Are you serious?

How did you find this out?

'how did this happen'

So why the fuck is Alex Jones paying Anthony to work at infowars? I thought that was the kinda sick shit infowars was against.

We've all seen drunken Alex so it's not a stretch. I mean the guy says he's a big Christian then gets caught fucking one of his bimbos and gets a divorce, shows up for every big event drunk and hilarious. He's a great entertainer but let's not kid ourselves that Alex isn't just as much of a dirtbag as any of us.

If you're talking about Macadoo. Who Macawouldn't?


I'd rather give it to Millie Weaver, but that's just me

He was pretty stoned on Rogan too. If you have a guest like that, Maybe you should give it an hour before you break out a bottle of whiskey and a joint.

That's what makes him so lovable!

InfoWars flipped 180 degrees a few months ago. They're now statist, globalist pro-war elites, all for implanting RFID chips in babies and secret Monsanto parties.

Because while he is a vampire, in no way is Anthony psychic, interdimensional, or elite.

Maybe someone ought to alert Alex Jones as to what's going on ....

Jones never met a third rail scumbag he didn't like

Blind? Doubt it. I'm sure she's seen the size of his wallet.

oh, step-daughter. psssh. BOOOOOO, i hate it when they pull that gimmick in "incest" porn.

i can't do anything with this.

i hate it when they pull that gimmick in "incest" porn

What, it takes you twice as long?

Side question: what's with all this faux incest porn these days? It seems like it's really trendy, and tends to have the hottest chicks, but I find it off-putting. But maybe that's because my step daughter is atrociously fat and ugly, so what the hell do i know, I'll just keep whacking it to my Jenna Jameson tapes and high school memories.

But maybe that's because my step daughter is atrociously fat and ugly

Age, height, weight?

I've been wondering that too

it's because adults and young adults now, like myself, grew up in a time where there was plenty of that to be found in the nooks and crannies of the internet and that's all you had. and pretty much the most you could ask for was to find some erotic literature on a couple gigantic websites that cater to that type of thing. then you had hentai. after awhile the market was big enough to really seem appealing and enterprising performers and producers.

i'm not big on it now really. but as a 12 year old absolutely nothing was off limits because i technically shouldn't have been seeing any of it. you also have to keep in mind that incest porn and the fetish has been around forever, and people of all kinds like to take a peek. i remember David Sedaris on This American Life talking about how he found a physical book of porn that included incest and he noticed how it traveled all around his house in secret.

tldr: internet normalized a lot of underground fetishes

"NOT her son fucks mom"

Not related by blood


"I don't believe so, we're not related by blood."

"True. Still frowned upon."

(Royal Tennenbaums)

Wait...the niece that used to be the nephew or the niece with cerebral palsy?

Anthony is a unlikable character.

This actually makes me like him more.



SAMCRO Joe traded sex with his daughter for a paycheck.

I believe it's called a dowry in their culture

I guess this was part of the pinky-swear deal that was made years ago.

Back when he could only fit a pinky in her

suuuurrreee ya gotta ease your way in

wiggle wiggle aheh aheh aheh

"Someday, and that day may come 17 years from now, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this money as a gift..."

Di'ja fuck'er ?

I love how things we used to joke about become reality. I'm still waiting for Patton to be charged with murdering his wife.

A 19 year old family member, a girl with a cock, a crazy model from Michigan, and a high schooler.

He's like Richard Ramirez with worse hair.

And teeth.

And podcast

and skin

and morals

And fawkin' peckah!

Is Dani the high schooler?

No, Dani isn't accounted for here. The high schooler went by the name Apology Girl. Her father was an exec at Fox News and former member of the Clinton Administration. She was with him post Stetten (the model) at age 17, a few years ago when he got Beavis and the 50 cal rifle. She had an anti-feminist blog, but rightfully went private when she broke it off with Ant. It felt ghoulish to even read her blog, but I did and she actually seemed way saner than his other victims.

Clinton Administration

Do you think Ant has been to Lolita Island? Wonder if his name ever came up in the Podesta files.

Perhaps--anything is possible. I'm serious about who her father is, though, no joke. He's the guy in that creepy family Christmas photo and easily googled. Stetten doxxed her and her family in a fit of jealousy.

Does he have ANY self awareness? I'm thirty flurf and would feel very self conscious if I brought home an 18-20 year old and told my wife this was my new gf.

He's the guy in that creepy family Christmas photo

Beavis was the only one that picture with any dignity

Yes! Even the little brown adopted kid's face registers disappointment and shame in that photo.

Oh, and regarding the Podesta files, probably. Just search for "Pizza Face".

Stetten is still the best anthony is ever gonna get even if she did look like a fallout ghoul in her teens

Yeah she's still hot as hell, in my opinion.

I'd rope on her upturned, open-eyed face.

It felt ghoulish to even read her blog, but I did and she actually seemed way saner than his other victims.

I never read her blog but I used to read some of her tweets, and she did seem really oddly sane/grounded. She even defended him after the Dani stuff.

Her father was an exec at Fox News and former member of the Clinton Administration.

So his young daughter and older creep was probably nothing new to him.

Perhaps not.

Remember how Anthony ballwashers would always be like "your just jealous Anthony can get such hot young girls even though he's an old man"

Quite a list he's got going for him.

They're a classy family those Cumias. We could all learn a thing or two from them.

This only true if we get pictures!!

This might be the most perfect representation of "TRUMP PRESIDENT NAO" I've ever seen.

Trump joked about pimping out his daughter, Joe did him one better.

No Trump did not.

Not literally, but kinda almost.

So he didn't. You should work for Buzzfeed.

Sorry, he didn't joke about pimping her out, he joked about actually fucking her.

Have a quote there big fella?

Hey, let's call a truce and all agree that Trump is a demonic hellion spirit orb from the future/hell, dead set on destroying the human race as quickly as possible. M'kay? Yes?!? Agreed? Great--settled. Thank you for your cervix.


Now I'm positive I got downvotes because lazy fucks hate Trump and are threatened with the prospect of employment.

That must be an odd exchange while engaged in coitus. Who's your daddy? Your brother...

Damn, I haven't LOL'd in awhile by reading something written here. Well done

You should ask him if it's okay to share on your facebook.

Someone dig up pics of this cum dumpster and link it please and thank you.


Guys it might sound weird to us, but that's traditional Tunisian culture.

Weird? This is to be expected of the old lech. What's weird is that he waited a full year after she hit the age of consent.

Don't kid yourself, he was grooming her long before that.

He should try groom the nest of spiders fighting on top of his head.

Individually placed arachnids.

Whoa, this sounds like libel, and the law doesn't take kindly to libel.

Sir, that comment is extremely libel.

Danny Ross fucks little boys.

Anthony would love Islam if only knew how much he relates to it

Can a beard grow through acne scars if your acne scars cover the entirety of your face?

^ asking the important questions.

He could always get a beard transplant to go along with his plugs.

No alcohol, and an emphasis on cleanliness and self-discipline. He couldn't handle it.

The Woody Allen of our generation.

Poon Ye.

Pics or it didnt happen.

You're a real crumb creep Ant

Wha' happen'?


Dude likes em groomed.

Joe should ask Vinny Brand for some tips on being Anthony's father in law, like buy your girl some bear mace.

no blood relation whatsover

"literally dating his niece"

Nice try, mr. sensationalized gossiping busybody.

Hi Anthony.

oh, uncle Anth!

human garbage

You have to be so far gone as a human being if you're in your 50s dating a 19 year old.

He'll be 56 in April.

For context you all love paying attention to the dating habits of a man who looks like the Crypt Keeper fucked Muammar Gaddafi and thinks "Teen People" is a porno mag.

56 years young.

0 days sober

Anthony should be shot dead.

Shit like this is why I'll never pay him a cent for any of his stuff.

I love all the people saying Ant should die or he's scum (for this offense, not including the many others) when there has been ZERO proof presented other than the OP saying so in the title of this thread.

See the well established legal precedent of Patton Oswalt vs. this sub.

are you defending a murderer?

Heavens no! The opposite in fact.

Anth is grody


This dude could make Woody Allen wince.

He has some deep issues with his dating teenagers.

Anyone got a source on this?

Even Woody Allen is disgusted by Ant

IDK who's worse anth for doing it or brother Joe not stomping his guts out and looking the other way to keep the checks coming.

He's just trying to get his comedy bearings by channeling Woody Allen

Pics of this supposed good looking girl.

So is this bullshit or are you gonna link us.

You guys know how these European Royal families are! They are all incestuous, trying not to bring outside blood into the family and losing their power and richess as much as possible...

Anthony's sister is next.

Nobody has a picture of what she looks like?

So none of you fucks got a screenshot of the tweet? Y'all niggas is slacking.