Opie fans are awful

14  2017-02-05 by Dennyislife


Aww look at his hair.

It's like a little mountain for everybody

Read his tweets. Confirmed queer

Eh, he's happier than I'll ever be.

Is that a non midget Wee Man?

Holy shit, he named his baby Chael after Chael Sonnen...

You can tell this guy is no stranger to the Octagon

He looks like a Mad Max bad guy.

With Ben Affleck's anus mouth.

I wonder how many Tapout shirts this fucker owns

He just wants his bros to let him bang!

I more closely relate to ISIS than I do Opie fans. This cannot be a genuine, unpaid tweet.

Generally the paid accounts never defend their position. That costs extra.

kurt fagnle

That Bruce Chandling comment is spot on.

is he wearing eye liner?