TIL: Jim Florentine got cucked by a guy just out of high school who probably never heard of Ozzy, Kiss, Motörhead or any of the other gay bands Jim is obsessed with. Guy probably uses ketchup and eats desserts too.

67  2017-02-05 by [deleted]



Tss Uncle Paul [had a five cuck marathon][https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWXJrimpYg0] or sumpfin tsss

I'm kind of glad Jim got cucked because you know he did those stupid fart and shit jokes around his wife and thought it was funny. He probably though he could just "coast" on being a disgusting pig husband. Hopefully he learned his lesson.

Amen sister

Every beta male thinks they deserve a hot woman and I like seeing them slapped down by reality. Don't try to flip it around on me just because what I said describes you.

You're a happy fellow

I hate positive emotional faggots like you

"You must be really happy" is the passive aggressive insult of the pro-social faggot. As if you're some kind of big winner in real life or something. Like you have money and get laid, and you just post on an O&A subreddit because there's nothing else you'd rather be doing if you could. Like your life hasn't been in a constant, desperate grasping at the dark abyss for some semblance of happiness or self love

Yeah what separates you and me is my aggressive posts

Just die worthless faggot

I'm actually depressed and barely leave the house.

I just don't understand guys like you who make a big angry deal about it.

P.s. faggot

Well at least you admit it.

What horrid and exhausting life you lead.

See my last post , it's like I replied to you in advance.

Is it?

A very weak an impotent retort, and I know it was the best of several you thought of.

It's the best a tedious quay like you deserves.

Fuck some other guy's wife? What am I 23?

the cop fucked her in a car. she was in need of a turbo lover!!!

Let's be real, this sort of thing didn't just happen. She was tossing out the vibe at the gym to tons of guys.

definitely. Also, she's been married three times.

Also she married a flailing comedian.

Wait, Florentine is against desserts? What a douche.

It's for chicks man.

Whyyyyy would he eat ketchup? No reason for that.

Florentine protected a pedophile after accepting bribes from him

8 year olds, dude

What's a pederast?

I'm all good with what you're saying, but please, tell me what you listen to that is so superior to Black Sabbath or Motorhead?

Pretty much anything

The guy enjoys ketchup (but only with French fries), he isn't familiar with heavy metal (except for the obvious hits) and he doesn't cuckold other men (unless the women are married to NJ comic middles.)

I feel sorry for Florentine in a way. He was foolish enough to get married to a bitch who was on her 3rd marriage by her early 30s when he was pushing 50. Alarm bells should've been ringing already. The fact that she went on to get power fucked by a 23 year old rookie cop only rubbed salt into the wound. At least he got a son who he loves out of it, I guess. Still, he should've known better.

He probably knocked her up and figured he'd give it a shot.

His shtick annoys me, but somehow I can't hate the guy. I'm a music nerd too.

He wrote an article before saying how he met the woman at a kid rock concert like a year after his last girlfriend died, really emotional article idk where its at but it was all about how to keep hope. Saying how he was super depressed and suicidal and then she was the light who saved him.

Guess this is what happens when you don't lose hope.

did he piss his pants?

So, it is funny enough that his wife cheated, but he was not cucked. Do you truly understand what "cuckold" means? You must not and that ruins your attempt to be humorous.

The Shakespearean term cuckold means someone who is cheated on, you're thinking of the porno version of the term from your favorite sites

Cuckold in simplest terms is the husband of A cheating wife. It doesn't Necessarily have to be a guy who gets off on it or participates and watches. So fuck off. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuckold

He's right, you've been spending too much time in Trump subs.

It's actually when a man raises another man's child unknowingly, I don't give a fuck what your link says.

Didn't he get divorced in 2015? Why is this news? He also dated Robin Quivers and was part of the Stern show for a while a couple of years before that.

I actually feel bad for Florentine.

I don't have the link but when he was on Opie's show and Opie brought up the divorce and TMZ writing about it, you could hear that Florentine was genuinely sad about the whole thing. Made me realize, with 100% certainty, that Opie has full blown aspergers.

I got the impression that was all very calculated. That he had certain points he wanted to get out, and ope quizzed him enough to do that.

Just gettin those numbers back muthahucka

It genuinely seemed like Opie fielded that call on purpose to force Florentine to talk about it.


I think what was happening there was that Florentine wanted to put it out there that he wouldn't cheat and didn't and Opie thought that was the way to get that out there. so rather than seeing opie as being insensitive there, I think he was just making Jim feel better in a weird way....and maybe just make Jim look better to other women.

But yeah, for the mother of your child to do that do you is pretty sad.

Opie said "divorce?" with the phoniest surprise ever.

Opie loves when there is drama because being awkward is funny.

She must have enjoyed that sex so much. I bet it was really hot.

Women don't enjoy sex, you silly goose!

He got cuckolded by a fkn pig. Poor little feller.

Deserts are delicious and Florentine looks like a grandma

I'm not a fan of desserts, but for christsake who doesn't use ketchup?

That guy is also 12

"What am I? Old enough to fuck my wife?"

The guy who dresses like a burnout in the high school smoking area is too grown up to eat ketchup and/or chocolate.

Honestly he should have murdered both of them

What happened? Did you seriously assume people give a flying fuck about Florentine to be up to date with hisworthless life?

But now with cucking involved, I'm all ears.

That Metal Show also got cancelled around the same time....rough time for ole Jimbo. I know the show would be of zero interest to anybody not into that kind of stuff, but if you are into classic metal and rock it was pretty damn good and you could tell the guests had a great time as well, even the more famous or younger guys like Lars, Corey Taylor, M Shadows, etc so it's not like it was just a bunch of washed up old guys happy just to feel relevant or anything. On a side note, I remember finding the episode with Dice and one the Living Colour guys really funny.....Dice trying to relate to him as a musical peer made me laugh because I'm probably pretty sure he doesn't know jack shit about playing music

Dice trying to relate to him as a musical peer made me laugh because I'm probably pretty sure he doesn't know jack shit about playing music

I remember Dice saying that Duff McKagan complimented his son's band, and he was like "Duff McKagain, you know, one of the greatest bassists off all time?" Sorry Dice, I don't think Duff McKagan is ranked up there among Victor Wooten and Les Claypool.

You're a happy fellow

What horrid and exhausting life you lead.