2012 Salon.com: Tucker Carlson’s downward spiral began when he tried to prove that Martin had been a thug.

2  2017-02-04 by bobomobile


He's a really hateful person

And progressivism is a hateful ideology. Id rather deal with the occasional hateful guy than an entire way of thinking,feeling and living is steeped in revenge power politics and insidious collectivism which obliterates individual rights "for the greater good"

Even apolitical regular people are sick of the emotional riots and tactic approval of "punching nazis"

Your time is up

"Your time is up"

Oooooooh tough guy over here. I bet the only time you leave your house is to go out to eat at the gas station. Stop pretending you are a hard ass, faggot.

Triggered lil bitchboi you are. The tough guys are the "nazi punchers" he's saying ideologically, you bitchbois are done.

Oooh another tough guy. You know it's serious when they start using tough guy 12 year old talk like, "butthurt". I bet you say things like "alpha" and "redpilled" unironically, and have never touched a vagina.

U mad?

Good one

Yeah, u mad.

U gay

U mad.

U gay

U mad.


U mad.

No... i just go out to vote


Downvote for continuing this discussion.

My "Time is up". Nice threat. Typical right winger.

I voted for kerry and obamas first term

Hahahaha try again

Sure you did.

Lol hahahahaha

A simple scan of your comments proves you are no obama supporter. You are also boring. Bye.

Yes..i....just said i voted (past tense)... for him

Come on guys...

Youre right


Im never surprised by how they look

a ex gawker faggot too

Wtf I hate Trump now

Hes ratings have exploded. Apparently 15-30 watch him more than the daily show and its spinoffs

What subreddit am I on, who gives a fuck?

Gavin McInnes of Compound Media.

No one cared who he was until he took off the bow-tie


Has it come to this?

Triggered lil bitchboi you are. The tough guys are the "nazi punchers" he's saying ideologically, you bitchbois are done.

No... i just go out to vote


Gavin McInnes of Compound Media.