Anthony doing three minutes on retarded Japanese hair styles [77:35]

15  2017-02-04 by TheScarletR


Hes just jealous of anyone who doesn't have to transfer thin Serbian curls into their skull from their pubic hair

Sir, it's not Serbian. Moor/Carpathian/Mud People

Finally something to listen to in this shit sub.

If this isnt Opie career summed up real quick: someone talented there riffing, Opie points out the obvious= Multimillionaire Comedy Radio host steering the ship

Yeah keys p lets downplay what Opie was because jam is a raging failure


u know what i mean, the retard and the other retard kicked opie out, then they put out a totally failure of a show

Oh okay, good point

you should call in and try to keep that teff meme alive, and make more bam cucked lynus joke

I was never on board with tefft meme, and /u/Tom_Stall is the one who got the Bam and Lynsi reference on the air.

I stay in my own lane with Patton being a murderer and Brian Gilgores podcast being a huge hit

whatever u were one of the ball washers that were calling and parsing their garbage of a show

Im sorry your comments are usually not well received, or understood, but please dont direct that anger toward me, good sir.

its all good homie people is turning on this jam garbage, i am happy

You are right about that.

You're seriously gonna sit there and defend a talentless leech, and then accuse other people of ballwashing? No one kicked Opie out, you putz. He brought it on himself.

that leech saved granthony and norton, those 2 fags are human garbages

and /u/Tom_Stall is the one who got the Bam and Lynsi reference on the air.

I wish.

Also I too always hated the tefft forced meme.

Oh wait it was /u/Thomas_Daly, I always mix your guys' names up

Is Hunter_Cumia sucking Opie's cock? I only saw this because my name was mentioned, but it looks like he's sucking Opie's cock. Why are there so many Opie ballwashers flooding this place recently?

Maybe he should go post a on /r/BillBurr how we are being mean to Nia again.

Hes a difficult guy to read. His only consistent MO is that "JAM sucks"

Maybe he should make another post on /r/BillBurr about how we're mean to Nia.


You seem a little bit teffty fella. Settle down before you tefft yourself. You may even give yourself a tefftniption! Tefft.

The dwag of a teff that barks

Pardon? Seems like you stroked out there chum.

Pretty rich coming from some bald faggot

I put elmer grue in hair...and den A BROW IT UP.

these type of bits is what is missing form both shows right now on Sirius XM.

you should call in and try to keep that teff meme alive, and make more bam cucked lynus joke

Pardon? Seems like you stroked out there chum.