Anytime there is a thread mocking SJW's

1  2017-02-04 by MarcMaronsDumbFace

POOF, the "i hate gavin" thread magically appear. And i'm not even talking about the NYU thing.

It's the leftists on this subs way of 'getting back at the right' for mocking their religion. I have witnessed them grow more bitter as the apolitical types on here stopped allowing the left around here to hold their hands and decide what they can find funny.

It bothers them the left is the butt of all the jokes nowadays, and not just on this sub. They are bitter their leftist religion has been outed as the politically correct, book burning, censorship shitfest it is.

Many of the anti-gavin types secretly like Amy Schumer. They really like Kurt Metzger. They subtly defend the daily show by saying "Well it's not that bad, could definitely be better." No...The daily show fucking stinks, it could not be better. They listen to Marc Marons rockin podcast.

You are being intellectually dishonest by saying Gavin is never funny, you just hate grown men and masculism because Jimmy brainwashed you into thinking being masculine was a sin(your religion says so)

Many of them like Jim and Sam's show, and only started mocking it when people started pointing out the show fucking sucked.

They mock Oswalt as a cover so they can pretend this isn't political. It is, it's all political.



And then what happened?

I think it would be for the good of the sub that we stop

  • Having meta discussion about the state of the sub

  • Talking about Proudboys

  • Having serious political arguments

Bashing Gavin and his sad excuse for a movement is fine by me.

But the political talk ANYWHERE can get out of hand far too easily. I've managed to have calmer, genuine talks on here about it without much issue, but let's be honest: we got enough of That shit surrounding us in day to day life. This should be a safe haven for us to bash a caveman Art Garfunkel, a wormy Kickstarting pervert, a pock-marked Turkish retired shovel fighter, and a math genius would-be model with pendulous breasts and a damaged septum.

Sticky this mods GRIZ

I'm not that politically active. I just don't like Gavin.

Fucking GEORGE SOROS globalist SWINE N I G G E R S

I'm apolitical and not American but Gavin McInnes is a huge huge huge faggot there is no doubt.

I dont have an opinion on Gavin Im in prison and have bad internet and I cant stream his vids so well. I will say this though and that is that the daily show makes me wish that I had died as a child. Anyone that thinks that show is funny should be HANGED. If you think Trevor Noah is funny you should slide back up your dads urethra and fuckin stay there

Gavin stinks.

Hey shush it up ya turkey

He is right. You are all afraid of all of the masculine TRUTH coming from the hipster fashionista that is constantly putting things in his butt and kissing men.

That real tough alpha male that missed out on hundreds of millions of dollars cause he wanted to run a fashion magazine while his LOW T, PUSSY, CUCK PARTNERS were going into third world countries and interviewing General Buck Naked and hanging out in Liberian crackhouses for children.


I agree with some of his politics, but laughing at Gavin's barely in the closet antics is fun, just like laughing at SJWs is fun.

So lighten up, Brother Joe.

Call me old fashioned, but I'm just not in to an aging Canadian playing an American political analyst who frequently spreads his ass for his biggest fans he calls "proud boys."

Gavin, is our Rob Ford.So you can just fuck off sonny. I love seeing him crash and burn.Sometimes he's hilarious, other times he's just a boring drugged drunk.So sit back,relax,and enjoy the show........

I hate liberals as much as the next guy, but there should be no doubt how much of a cocksucking, unfunny, unlettered faggot Gavin is.

Gavin wants to be masculine. He talks with a lisp. Goes past straight guy joking gay shit. Has a stupid woman haters club filled with homos. Gavin can be funny and he does good thibgs like challenging the stifling of free speech but a lot of people see through his act here. He's an attention whore. The ideas he believes in the most are always deeply offending someone (which doesnt bother me). He can be funny. I used to watch his show daily. But he's still a fake ass homo.

Shut the fuckkkkk up. What happened to the laughter? Make fun of everything. Gavin is just as cringeworthy and lame as the most ardent sjws. Proud boys is the stupidest and gayest fucking shit ever. Yes significantly gayer than Pro wrestling

Yes significantly gayer than Pro wrestling

But how about pro wrestling speeches?

This is one of the gayest posts I've seen in awhile. These alt-right millennials have turned into the coddled, sensitive SJW's they obsess over. Face it, you joined a gay white nationalist fringe group that Gavin started as a joke/art project for him to laugh about at the bath house with his actual friends.

POOF, the "i hate gavin" thread magically appear. And i'm not even talking about the NYU thing.

It's the leftists on this subs way of 'getting back at the right' for mocking their religion. I have witnessed them grow more bitter as the apolitical types on here stopped allowing the left around here to hold their hands and decide what they can find funny.

It bothers them the left is the butt of all the jokes nowadays, and not just on this sub. They are bitter their leftist religion has been outed as the politically correct, book burning, censorship shitfest it is.

Many of the anti-gavin types secretly like Amy Schumer. They really like Kurt Metzger. They subtly defend the daily show by saying "Well it's not that bad, could definitely be better." No...The daily show fucking stinks, it could not be better. They listen to Marc Marons rockin podcast.

You are being intellectually dishonest by saying Gavin is never funny, you just hate grown men and masculism because Jimmy brainwashed you into thinking being masculine was a sin(your religion says so)

Many of them like Jim and Sam's show, and only started mocking it when people started pointing out the show fucking sucked.

They mock Oswalt as a cover so they can pretend this isn't political. It is, it's all political.


that's a shame.