So if Opie, Anthony, & Yimmy got back together would you guys be for it or has the dream been spolied?

2  2017-02-04 by Tell_Em_Fred



Opie and Jimmy fucking despise each other and Opie and Anthony are both desperate sellouts...who fucking despise each other.

Let them burn.

I can see Opie & Anthony working together again. Once Sirius finally tires of Opies shit, he'll be begging Ant to get the "band back together" Norton however is odd man out in this equation as he & Tits hate each other now. How funny that the step child will more than ever be the step child once mommy and daddy make up?

Op and Anthony yes. Leave norton out he instigated too much between op and Ant already and has proven on his own his talentless.

The Opie and Anthony reuinion is going to be huge wherever it happens. i can't wait. Jimmy "The Backstabber" Norton is not to be trusted after what he did to the Opester. He is at the top of the Fucko List and should be banned.

You're account character is flawed. Wackbag loved Jimmy and would want nothing more than the "sweet boy" to be a part of the reunion.


Well, when you're right, you're right. Nigger.

The only thing I would hate about this would be the inevitable apology episode where they each explain how and what they could have done differently. Yuk.

Sure, if they're entertaining. Otherwise, fuck em.

They should join Patrice.

I loved him in Ghostbusters.

Despite Opie and Anthony playing kissy face and acting like buddies I think they still hate one another. The underlying reasons for Opie hating Anthony didn't just magically go away. We all know now that Jimmy and Opie despise one another as well. And of course Opie hates Sam. Really when you look at it Opie is at the root of all the discord and dislike so as long as he is involved in the show with the others I don't think it can be a success. Opie will get jealous of whoever is sitting across from him when they get more laughs and sabotage the show behind the scenes as he did with Anthony and Jimmy and then Jimmy.

Opie and Anthony Show with just the two of them will suck dick. Opie will feel left out if Anthony is funny and insist on dragging in his crew of unfunny douchebag comedians like Sherrod to laugh at his "funny" stuff and stroke his ego and slowly Opie's ego will lead to them shutting Anthony out. The comedians he brings in all suck so Anthony will get frustrated when they give him nothing and step all over him and edge him out so after a month or two he'll leave.

Opie, Anthony and Jimmy will basically go the same way as what I said above. Opie will be jealous of the rapport between the other two so he'll want to pack the studio with his stooges and eventually frustrate Jim and Anthony and they'll quit, perhaps after a monumental on air blow up.

Best bet will be Anthony, Jimmy and Sam. Or Anthony, Jimmy and an experienced radio DJ as third chair to keep the show running without trying to take it over and knowing when to let A&J just riff.

But really at this point it's foolish to bring them all back together. Even if they go back to the old show format it will still fail. They were all basically calling it in the last 3-4 years of the show with a rare good stretch.

I would like to hear Opie and Anthony back together on radio, not an Internet show and no worm.

No Norton,he's just an old-fashioned drama queen.

I want just Opie and Anthony and guests maybe.

I agree with most here. No Jimmy.

What?? I can't believe everyone here is saying no Jimmy. All I want is Ant and Jimmy. They're hilarious together. Opie ruins everything, but occasionally steers the ship in the right direction but rarely knows when to fuck off.