U/Clibinarius, long time poster and our progressive mascot here stopped posting here after trump won. My heart lies heavy with guilting the commie scum off. PLEASE COME BACK!

5  2017-02-03 by I_want_Forbin


What about r/whileshiteinabucket???

Uh oh...

Im not sure i want to know.

I think you mean /u/Wellshiteinabucket, his last post is a hoot.

no one cares about you or him.

Hahaha he hasn't posted since?

He has, once.

That's his only post here since the election.

Almost cant blame him.

He was going ALLLLLLLL IN with the "Trump has no chance!!!! Shitlords" posts in the days leading up to the elections. ALL IN!!

Guy was tauntingly responding to posts not even originally directed at him.

I wish he had livestreamed his reaction to the results being called.

Why do retards abuse the collective pronoun the most? Theres no "us"


/u/Clibanarius comment?

That's some cool autism you have there.