Why has Jim suddenly decided to sit behind the board?

3  2017-02-03 by Wolosocu

Suddenly the 55 year old baby boy third mic has decided to sit behind the board. Has it become so obvious that he's phoning it in that he's decided to do something that, at most, gives the illusion that he's taking charge?

Of course this doesn't stop him from railroading every topic into a joke about himself. Maybe if he worried as much about his show as he worries about his eggs it wouldn't suck as much.


So he can watch all the babes through the glass windows

Nope. Maybe the men that walk by, Jim isn't into women and also hates them.

yes, good point.

is this why he hated Opie so much?

No I think he got wind that Op and Ant were talking again behind the scenes and Jim got jealous. Jim obviously has a crush on Ant.

you say odd shit to people, man.


I heard Travis' laugh after I read this.

'e gets it.

I'm pretty sure I've only ever left 2 comments on anything you've posted, this dumb throwaway line from the show included. I honestly didn't even realize you were the same person who said the porn/UFC thing until just now checking to see if i was accidentally obsessed with you. my apologies, we're just not that close.

Good and maybe just stick to the topics. I even have some dude who's made an alt with my name and posts. I know you fan boys love my posts but I really am not directing them at you. Glad we cleared that up. Now back to the sub.

Im assuming because Sam will be out for awhile soon with the new kid. ... peckahs

Sit behind the board what is he sitting behind the people listening to his show or sumthin tsssssssssss

The Jim & Sam show is really unpredictable!! WHOOOO will be behind the board?!? WILLLLL Jim's eggs be delivered correctly? 8a-11a, prime Morning drive hours!!

But not a minute past 11:00am because it's important the station switch over to the gay Australian no one listens to!

I don't know why but I do know today him and Sam were taking what I think were obvious shots at Opie talking about how easy it is to run the board.

Why are you still listening?

If you're trapped in a desert, you'll drink piss if that's you're only option.


Tony Hawk was able to explain how important it was.

No I think he got wind that Op and Ant were talking again behind the scenes and Jim got jealous. Jim obviously has a crush on Ant.