Antwan Kumiya's Conservatism

0  2017-02-03 by [deleted]



Guns and money

I don't think he considers himself a right winger. He is a libertarian for the most part.

He'd be thrown out of the Libertarian Party for his cop worship. They'd really look down on his "It was cool how my two cop buddies used to get away with beating the shit out of black perps in the 80s" attitude.

True, no one man fits into one box. Did I say right winger? I meant white nigger.

like any good liberal, he fiscally conservative nigga

Hardly. He believes in a strong welfare state. Don't believe me? Then ask yourself how Brother Joe pays his bills.

He hates minorities

Tony Cum was against pretty much everything Obama did. He hates taxes, immigration, gun control, and anything relating "PC culture."

Ant, like many Trump supporters, resented having a black boss for 8 years.

Because america is commie

He'd be thrown out of the Libertarian Party for his cop worship. They'd really look down on his "It was cool how my two cop buddies used to get away with beating the shit out of black perps in the 80s" attitude.