Hey guitar players/musicians of this sub: Which FUZZ PEDALS you like?

0  2017-02-03 by TangerineReam

In the market


Ibanez Tube Screamer. Look for an original TS9 (about 100-150) or get the reissue for 50.

Annnnd, peckahs.

I have the 80's reissue DOD which is vaguely similar to the Tube Screamer anyway.

Just picked up a big Muff Pi Deluxe. I'm quite fond of it.

how much?

Going for 120 on Amazon right now

I didn't know you were an axe man ?

I am but i use the fuzz for guitar and keyboards

I can't play electric for my life. Been playing acoustic for 22 years and recently a friend gave me a fender electric, and can't play it for shit. I used to look down on electric guitar players but now, I look up to them.

You cant transition from acoustic to electric?

I haven't given it much practice. Just picked it up a few times and did some chord progressions and some solos. It's too delicate for me. I'm so used to the rigidity of the acoustic strings and the thicker neck. I have trouble hitting the right strings due to how loose and how close they are to each other.

get yourself a b.c. rich then

Tighten the action and grab yourself a Gibson or something with a thicker neck. Never try to use a Rickenbacker if you have issues with small necks and strings close together. I love them though.

Electric is easier to learn than acoustic. You can cover up your mistakes with Fuzz pedals. All you need is to learn a few power chords. Ain't nothing to it

I'm a pretty good player, so I don't mess up all that much due to how long I've been playing, it's just a different experience. Almost feels like a different instrument.

I like electric guitar players like Robert Quine. That shit is fun to play, and you just can't do that on an acoustic.

I have a Wren and Cuff Box of War, which is great for black metal type tremolo picking and stoner metal/rock sound.

A big muff isn't exactly fuzz, but I love it

The Musket

The fuzz face is a classic but maestro makes a good one too..also check out fulltone