Gavin McInnes Interrupted by Protesters at NYU

34  2017-02-03 by MilesDavisRose


These liberals are going to push more and more people away from their antics. I'm actually not biggest trump guy but these tards are making me root for him more.

They don't get that these shenanigans are part of the reason why the disgusted masses voted for someone they didn't love either. Good for them for standing up for their views but there are better ways to go about it.

its gross. I voted for the fucking Green Party in canada and I don't identify with these Proto-nazi fucks who claim to be liberal at all. They chant "SHAME" at their school administrator while being on the side that's shutting down discussions and attacking people with shovels, bear mace and lighting people on fire. Just because the corporate news machine sided with their personal biases this time around and made it seem like the KKK is somehow still a real political force in 2017. How embarrassing for the adults these retards are going to eventually grow into. Is this how Noam Chomsky would have handled an opposing viewpoint? I bet Chomsky is a villain to all the "identity politics" fake liberals these days for simply engaging in debate over real issues instead of immediately stamping out any dissension "before it becomes the fourth reich"

How? That faggot Gavin and Milo are about to have their pockets hurting when they can't get booked cause of protests.

Shout out to my boy David Frum.

"Civil unrest will not be a problem for the Trump presidency. It will be a resource. Trump will likely want not to repress it, but to publicize it—and the conservative entertainment-outrage complex will eagerly assist him. Immigration protesters marching with Mexican flags; Black Lives Matter demonstrators bearing antipolice slogans—these are the images of the opposition that Trump will wish his supporters to see. The more offensively the protesters behave, the more pleased Trump will be.

Calculated outrage is an old political trick, but nobody in the history of American politics has deployed it as aggressively, as repeatedly, or with such success as Donald Trump. If there is harsh law enforcement by the Trump administration, it will benefit the president not to the extent that it quashes unrest, but to the extent that it enflames more of it, ratifying the apocalyptic vision that haunted his speech at the convention."

The weird thing about it too is that the conspiracy is that all organizations contributing to these "grassroots" movements is connected to George Soros.

So either theyre very dumb and incompetent elites, or those weirdos saying Trumps controlled opposition and that he created the fake pizzagate were right all along...

conservative entertainment-outrage complex

Is Frumm on this sub?

Why are you talking about shitty, stupid Gavin like he's a political figure?

Their lack of self awareness might actually rival Opie's

They think they're like the nam protesters but can't see they're just acting like a toddler stomping his feet begging for his toys.

You can hate trump and these retards at the same time. I sure do.

I've never heard any of these people say what the problem is.

"Intolerance will not be tolerated"

That's intolerant.


What about all the chanting and signs?

Mass faggotry at an event featuring a massive faggot. Shocking!

Gavin should have handled himself better. I liked how he invited the protesters on stage and called the administrator an asshole but just talk shit over them or inflame then more. They're babies

I really dislike trump. Every single move of his, regardless of outcome is drenched in self-gratification and narcissistic affirmation. He's a destructive fool who alienates the majority of people around him. He's needy, thin skinned, over-sensitive and rash. The qualities you need to endure a presidency are woefully absent in him. I would not have voted for him were I an American Citizen.


I absolutely despise the left. This over-dramatic reaction to every single utterance from Trump or every decision he makes as president on the basis you don't like him is absolutely odious. The dishonesty in what's reported, shared on social media and passed as fact is not helpful and only galvanises violent extremists on the left. The constant lashing out like a privileged child only serves to highlight this misplaced anger, making anybody complicit in such activity look certifiably insane. When you allow yourself to commit acts of terror by simply prefacing any attack with an accusation of white supremacy you become the very thing you're fighting against. A fascist. It's the perfect example of irony. Activists using extreme violence and intimidation to further their political agenda and help fight violent fascism.

it's easy to blame these kids. They're the face of this revolting movement. But these are 18-22 year olds who know fuck all about the world. The liberal media, political elites and Hollywood have each created these monsters. Hillary and Obama ran on the very basis of cultural, religious and gender based separatism. The idea that identity matters above else. The left became so entrenched in elevating the disenfranchised that the rest of America felt completely ignored. So instead of acknowledging their faults, they double down on identity politics and shout racist at every opportunity to those who oppose them.

Politically I lean left on a lot of issues. But the western world has failed us. Traditional liberal values no longer exist in the modern leftist political movement. Free expression used to be a virtue of a liberal mind. Now it's looked at as a societal poison by leftist authoritarians intent on chiselling away at every freedom that made the United States the greatest nation ever invented by humanity.

tell us how you really feel tss

Fawk ya! How bout sum cake for da chippah tss

I kind of don't get what you expect. Gavin is getting the exact reaction he was looking for. You're basically boosting for him at this point.

I'm not specifically referring to Gavin as much as the wider reaction of leftist anarchists. That said, it was slightly more significant than 12 students booing. People were maced and beaten. To less of a degree than at Berkley but still enough to present a systemic leftist problem of normalising violence.

I'm not sure what you're defending. It seems that you're perfectly happy for speakers to be shut down from campuses they're invited to providing you're able to label them a troll who courts such a response. That's not the point. Yes Gavin got exactly what he wanted from this but the fundamental principle of shutting down free expression and resorting to violence or intimidation is one we can all agree is pretty sickening.

Please tell me how I'm wrong to arrive at the conclusion the extreme left don't respect free expression? Please explain to me the source of every act of violence from Antifa to BLM as a reaction to Trump?

That said, it was slightly more significant than 12 students booing.

Not in that video it wasn't. What, were there 16 of them? It wasn't a very large room.

That's not the point. Yes Gavin got exactly what he wanted from this but the fundamental principle of shutting down free expression and resorting to violence or intimidation is one we can all agree is pretty sickening.

So Gavin is allowed to go on his pro Wrestler, pissing in teenage Liberals faces campus tour to do his schtick but if the audience dares to react they're all actually Hitler? Did you watch the video? It wasn't exactly a meeting of the Heritage Foundation. Gavin made an obnoxious bad joke with the intention of pissing people off, got his ass handed to him and ran off.

Please tell me how I'm wrong to arrive at the conclusion the extreme left don't respect free expression? Please explain to me the source of every act of violence from Antifa to BLM as a reaction to Trump?

I think that's your job though isn't it? Making boogey men out of douchey college kids? Are we Scared yet? Wo0o0o0o0o0o.

I figured he'd try to attach himself to the Milo story and follow him around again.

These are planned months out.

Don't back talk me proudboy, I'll venerate your asshole.

  1. Not a proud boy

  2. Don't threaten me jizzbreath

Eat my shit prick

Aww, it's ok. You likely need a hug.

Don't these events have security? I always imagined that if I interrupted an event like this, I would be ushered out very quickly.

The chant says everything you need to know. "It's our campus. Not yours if you don't agree".

Isn't attacking a proud gay man considered a hate crime?

proud gay BOY

anyone know whose campus that is?

Gavin made out with guys, and shoved a dildo up his ass on camera. Yet he's called homophobic.

I take enjoyment from any negativity that falls at Gavin's feet. Fuck him he's stupid.

Protesting is gay and a waste of time.

These faggots are helping Trump and their supporters. What a bunch of children, thinking they're doing something important. They actually thing they're the equivalent to people that protested of Vietnam or were fighting for Civil Rights. Pathetic.

He must have been relieved to have them show up. He was bombing.

Starting to think anyone who protests now should just automatically be euthanized. Publicly.

Fawk ya! How bout sum cake for da chippah tss