"And even the black cops. You're Proud Boyz too you motherfucker!" - This happened outside the Gavin McInness event.

33  2017-02-03 by Ant_Sucks


If she is a "professor" it's probably for one of those joke classes like "modern feminism for the morbidly obese"

She talks about those adult students as if they're infant children, then they applaud her. They should really be embarrassed for themselves.

Remember when Alex Jones would talk about conspiracies like 9/11?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? He spent many years constantly saying that the "New World Order" have a plan that's been in the works for ages to eventually commit mass killing and drastically reduce the Earth's population. He even called this the "endgame" and made a movie with the same title. Fastforward to now, the same guy who used to call Rudy Giuliani an evil psychopath that knew about 9/11 in advance now shill for the exact same guy. AJ spent years shoring up the "conspiracy crowd" and is truly the most famous person who talks about conspiracies so that when "they" really want to start doing the big parts of their plan (that AJ talked about non-stop right up until he started worshipping Trump) they've got all the people that would normally suspect them now on their side. So now we have a president who obviously loves Israel and Russia. Two countries that I think most would agree are not at all opposed to false-flag attacks. There's already a lot talk amongst people who normally wouldnt talk about conspiracies that it feels like a false-flag is coming. Now that AJ can drive the narrative of the conspiracy community it's time to call anything that's anti-Trump a conspiracy instead of talking about the shit he's always talked about. A lot of people seem to be falling for this. Trump is part of an evil plan not some savior. Not to mention his constant warning about the incoming police state and constant criticisms of incidences police wrongdoing to now being totally pro police and attacking people who criticize them. I'm all for supporting police in a certain way but something is up with that although it could just be him jumping on the anti-BLM bandwagon. Also his previous constant warning about the military industrial complex and support of ron paul for being non-interventionist to now supporting war-mongering and military spending. Also him always bitching that people are treating Obama like a messiah and and then him now basically worshipping Trump almost literally. Again: A lot of people seem to be falling for this. Trump is part of an evil plan not some savior.

Tl/DR: I'm gay

Use some paragraphs next time for the love of god.

so Modern feminism for the modern feminist?


"I'm a professor!"; I'd really love to say "not for much longer, based on that" but the truth is this will probably win her some kind of prestigious university award for courage.

What a deranged raving cunt.


"not for much longer, based on that"


Our boy Bjorn on the left.

malcolm /x/ is the only guy

Do you think she likes Trump?

So, who'd ya vote for missy?

If only she knew how insignificant and stupid Gavin really is.

He's trying to ride the coat tails of Milo pretty hard

He was smart to have him on his show early because he had the feeling he was going to blow up. He still has that hipster instinct. He was smart to have him on his show early because he had the feeling he was going to blow up. He still has that hipster instinct. But really those Milo speaking tours are insanely stupid already. I could imagine you would like to see that dwarf jew Ben Shapiro because he’s actually smart and can form logical arguments and debate people. Milo is just that with him faking the smart part by having tons of writers that do all the research for him and him just “performing” his speeches. Gavin doesn’t even have any of that. He’s even dumber then Milo and also is way worse at performing his character.

I gotta go get the papers. Get the papers.

than* you genius

Milo is extremely bright, watch his Joe Rogan appearance, he can talk circles around anyone.

wtf i love proudboys now

Then enemy of my enemy must be venerated

My father taught me many things. He taught me keep your friends close, but your proudboys up your asshole.


Though people on this sub are usually pretty clever, I think a lot of them have misunderstood the whole proud boys thing. Most of it is tongue in cheek, the whole name is based off of this extremely gay lion king song, so calling them fags for using the name doesn't exactly make sense. I'm not into clubs, but this one isn't any worse than any other fan club.

"They're only pretending to be retards!"

Go buy another Fred Perry shirt loser

It's too early to try this. Trust me. Every time I try to explain that it's all a big joke I get downvoted and ridiculed. But, rest assured, we will be venerated.

I heard Gavin shoves things up his ass

That should actually be the first sign that the Proudboys is a joke. You wouldn't see Richard Spencer shoving shit up his ass (at least on camera).

I'm not saying you should kill yourself. I'm just saying that it's your only way to improve the world.

Thanks nigger

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... ....you're angry

How fucking long are we going to ignore our Jew problem? Shit is getting out of hand.

The only time I've ever heard Gavin was on Rogan's Podcast and that was a hard one to get through because Gavin seems like a try-hard. Does he actually talk about race or is getting lumped in with the other guys because he is pulling a Glen Beck on people?

He isn't a supporter of Islam.

Any reason why?


if that's true somebody should cut his head off, or more fittingly, throw him off a tall building

I don't know if that is a needed action.

Can't I just think he's a stupid whiny cunt?

They threw a couple of proud boys off the roof in Raqqa.

Joe is a comedic black hole on that show and was shutting Gavin down quite a bit.

That one was hard to watch even though I like them both.



Ann Macy Roth

Clinical Associate Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and Art History

alright now boys, lets not use any stereotypes here

Hey, that's antisemitic

This shit writes itself.

oy vey

Your father did business with Macy Roth, your father respected Macy Roth, but your father never trusted Macy Roth or her anarchist messenger boy, Antifa

Adjunct Professor of rosacea booze face

I thought jews were usually dark.

I thought it was Laci Green.

/pol/ was right again

I would have never guessed!

this is why stalin had to invent the gulag

Even the log lady has fallen into the SJW crowd.

It's probably been a while since she had her pussy grabbed :-(

That woman is also on the Reason Tv video of Peter Schiff at Occupy Wall Street. She is a dumb commie and she gets mopped up for about half an hour.

Is that Greg Rogell on the right chewing gum?

I hate Milo and Gavin, but it hate suppression of free speech even more. This kind of shit is shameful.

People are allowed to express any dumbfuck idea they want in this country. It's a major part of what we were founded on.

what about slaves

In the antebellum south they had comedy clubs for slaves, where you would bring your funniest negro to perform onstage for affluent white landowners. A particularly witty buck would fetch a high price at market.

Oombootu O'Neil was considered the best of the best until him and a group of slaves were accused of raping the slave masters daughter.

She just needs a big dick in her month & baby doll will calm down.

If you attack a proud boy, is it a hate crime on homosexuals?

It's kind of funny how the liberals main targets now are Milo, the Proud Boys and Gavin. All homosexual.

Jeeeeeesus Christ.

Hahaha I love that she knows what the Proud Boys are. This is great.

She probably has no idea who they are and was just told by someone that day that they are Nazis and she just accepted it without question.

This is why the Gods made hammers.