Opie is an idiot with no comedic or social skills. Jim is a wormy manipulative piece of shit and a fake. I hate Jim more.

1  2017-02-03 by [deleted]

I hate Jim.

I know that talking about how he fucked over Opie won't get much traction here, but -he did. Unfortunately, Opie is too inarticulate to convincingly make that argument and you wouldn't listen if he did.

No one recognizes how tough Opie's job was. Imagine having to pretend you that you think sucking tranny dicks is funny day-after-day. I know you fags eat that shit up, but fuck you. Imagine doing a radio show with someone who knows almost nothing other than his own perversions and Ozzy.

I never thought Chip was funny. Chip is just an excuse to not come up with funny lines. "Look how unfunny I am... on purpose!" Shut the fuck up. Uncle Paul was funny a few times, but -mostly- not really.

Jim tricked people into paying for cartoons that he made YEARS ago for Vice with his own money. He knew it sucked because "everyone at Vice hated it." "Everyone." Then Vice fired him.

Then he offered to create something new and accepted money from his fans to create it. Guess what? It's NEVER going to happen. He paid himself back. He's a thief as far as I'm concerned.

He is also an obvious queer who is too cowardly to step out of the closet.

Fuck Jim Norton. (actually, don't. you'll get AIDS)


Great points. Sadly you'll be labelled an opie apologist and subsequently called a Faggot or some other repetitive insult this sub's occupants are capable of.

I dislike Jim a lot. His fence sitting, seeing things both ways, his shitty diet obsession, having a sip of alcohol as a kid and calling himself an alcoholic, droning on and on about trannies and ufc, using characters as a crutch, sticking with sirius and letting Ant die in the wilderness, sacking up to celebrities for pictures and throwing tantrums when they don't want a picture taken with a worm, throwing more tantrums about not getting breakfast delivered by interns, bitching like a privileged asshole about air travel, not being man enough to admit he's a fruit, enjoying his biggest contract yet playing with his phone and making the worst radio with Sam in his entire career, passive aggressive jabs at former radio partners like a teenage girl, afraid to confront people, stealing from the fans.

I get the hate for opie. He's difficult to be around apparently and he struggles to offer anything funny. But he has his value in what he does. He sets up, keeps the show moving forward, offers discussion topics and works out bits. Not all of it works but he creates a platform for actual talented people to thrive. He's just a really easy target at this point and it's actually really fucking boring hearing the same five things people here regurgitate about opie. Again, I could give two shits about opie personally. He's done his fair share of shitty stuff and he has significant faults. But you're right. Jim is worse.

You articulated it much better than I did.

I will add one thing. I know a little about Autism and Opie is probably Autistic. He clearly cannot read social cues and he certainly can't persuade or manipulate others. A lot of his problems stem from that, imho.

You both should write a lot more about how gay you are and want to put each others cocks in your mouths.