She gets it.

73  2017-02-03 by Purplestahli


She's really funny.

I laughed a lot.

Whitney cummings filed a law suit against her for this.

Amy Schumer's going to steal this bit for her next special.

This is Amy Schumer's bit, except it ain't a bit

That's the bit; she'd stoop to steal a bit that openly mocks her own style and essence. Bamford rules. She's odd but really funny.

That's some meta shit

Chelsea Handler and Sarah Silverman ...

Maria's one of few good ones. I like her show Lady Dynamite too

Very funny show. Patton Oswalt is in it as a cop so I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned here before.

They also did a comedy tour together I remember

I went to that tour. Patton, Maria Bamford, Brian Posehn, and some dudes I'd never heard of. Laughed my fucking ass off. Maria killed.

Patton did too. Never forget!

I've scrolled over it many times but never gave it a chance. Is it really worth watching? Is it comparable to any other shows?

not really comparable to anything I can think of. It's fucking weird and depressing humor, give a couple episodes a shot and decide for yourself

it's good.

Schemer should give her all her money

What a lovely lady

She missed the "sew you GUYS" x150, talking about her mom, talking about ca-reepy or weird guys they dated, and Project Runway or whatever x show dumb broads watch.

Also she didn't say "like" 350 times. But it was brilliant anyway.

Nice vocal fry too.

One impression, doing over ten female comics at once.

10? Try 10,000.

Kelsey Cook looks like she's has a really hairy asshole that needs to be waxed constantly.

The artificial deepening of the voice to seem like "one of the guys" is really awkward. Very distracting

Fucking boo.

I want her to wear boots and crush my nuts with a sexy sneer

If she's not available I'll do it.

where are her legs?

The bams is my jams

I was so bitter that people on here kept bringing her up when all I knew of her were the appearances on Tough Crowd where she was trying to be wacky with some high pitched voice. I like her, sorry I was gay

She left out a lot of "ums" That's pretty typical. Punch line UMMMMM

Maria is what Sarah Silverman wishes she could be.

not really comparable to anything I can think of. It's fucking weird and depressing humor, give a couple episodes a shot and decide for yourself

it's good.