Oh, fucking shoot yourself.

26  2017-02-02 by RBuddCumia


what a coincidence Patton has a soft spot for a religion that tolerates to wife killing

Have my upvote

Have my upvote

Take my Upvote too, for it's all that I have.

Now flock off and think about what you've done.

He says "WOW" a lot, huh?

The what strike?

The strike in Yemen that got a seal and an 8 year old girl killed.

You remember how these protests happened daily to protest the constant slaughter Obama commited against the middle east.

Those people use women and children as meat shields and to test our soldiers, there is no winning in the Middle East.

The USA should send in the military and then they can use each other as sub-human shields.

Yeah, but Obama said no to this mission because they couldn't just blow up family homes with drones. So it's bad.

This is a bodega strike. bodegas are shitty stores in NYC and the surrounding areas that are run by immigrants. the immigrants say that the immigration ban will hurt their business so they are protesting.

Yes, because people fly from Iraq to visit some shithole in Brooklyn to get a shitty sandwich and overpriced bag of chips. Then they go see Hamilton.


The last bodega I lived by sold fuckin pre-shelled hard-boiled eggs from an uncovered bowl by the cash register.

I walked around my neighborhood trying to get a sandwich. Four of them were closed. Luckily the Mexican one was open. I'm beginning to rethink the wall.

air strike, hopefully

He is the exact opposite of everything a man is supposed to be. Arrogant, whiny, pathetic, baby. He is named after one of the greatest leaders in military history, and he has turned out to be the biggest pussy in the public eye.

Has he ever in his life done any manual labor whatsoever? Has he ever been respected by a woman? Has he ever earned anything he's owned through actual effort?

When my grandfather's wife died (many years before I was born), he did not turn into a raging liberal pussy. He dealt with his emotions, got remarried, and became the bitter old man my family knows and only barely loves. But at least we respect him.

You forgot fat. He's also fat.

There are plenty of fat badasses though, mostly Italians, but Patton is fucking mushy.

Remember when Alex Jones would talk about conspiracies like 9/11???????? He spent many years constantly saying that the "New World Order" have a plan that's been in the works for ages to eventually commit mass killing and drastically reduce the Earth's population. He even called this the "endgame" and made a movie with the same title. Fastforward to now, the same guy who used to call Rudy Giuliani an evil psychopath that knew about 9/11 in advance now shill for the exact same guy. AJ spent years shoring up the "conspiracy crowd" and is truly the most famous person who talks about conspiracies so that when "they" really want to start doing the big parts of their plan (that AJ talked about non-stop right up until he started worshipping Trump) they've got all the people that would normally suspect them now on their side. So now we have a president who obviously loves Israel and Russia. Two countries that I think most would agree are not at all opposed to false-flag attacks. There's already a lot talk amongst people who normally wouldnt talk about conspiracies that it feels like a false-flag is coming. Now that AJ can drive the narrative of the conspiracy community it's time to call anything that's anti-Trump a conspiracy instead of talking about the shit he's always talked about. A lot of people seem to be falling for this. Trump is part of an evil plan not some savior. Not to mention his constant warning about the incoming police state and constant criticisms of incidences police wrongdoing to now being totally pro police and attacking people who criticize them. I'm all for supporting police in a certain way but something is up with that although it could just be him jumping on the anti-BLM bandwagon. Also his previous constant warning about the military industrial complex and support of ron paul for being non-interventionist to now supporting war-mongering and military spending. Also him always bitching that people are treating Obama like a messiah and and then him now basically worshipping Trump almost literally. Again: A lot of people seem to be falling for this. Trump is part of an evil plan not some savior.

I bet you could go to the mall today and enjoy walking through the vast space in the center of the aisle without bumping into a Boost Mobile kiosk

Has he ever mentioned that his politics are shaped entirely by being physically unattractive? Pseudo intellectual progressive = ugly.

Wow, how am i going to buy things from 3rd world mystery meat person now? *orders everything online

Face down, ass up, that's the way, we like to fuck.

I hate Murderer's twitter profile picture.

Patton would say the blade is beautiful as they remove his head from his shoulders...

I bet if I pretended I was a liberal I could get 100k likes without putting any effort into life.

Just choose ANY popular news story then take the obvious, oh dats racist. Or you go sister!

Fucking book deal in a week.

Give it a whirl and report back Mr Popular


The doublethink that goes on with liberals is insane.


Is that the comedian guy I read killed his wife? I forgot where I read it, but definitely have seen several things on the internet about it.


Going by the title, I expected to see a picture of his wife's gravestone

Wait what? Half the Bodegas in New York are owned by Yemenis. So this is either self hate or an attempt to put their Korean counterparts out of business.