I would rather see Opie with Anthony than Jim with Anthony.

0  2017-02-02 by DasItMane99

You faggots are crazy thinking an Ant and Jim show would work. Two and a half hours of Pontificating Jim talking about political talking points Ant can't stop bringing up. With a few shitty characters shoehorned in over and over again.

Jim Norton Stinks.


You're 100% wrong, friendo. The Matarese podcast showed they're riffing is still top notch.

The Matarese Podcast is being severely overrated because people want to shit on Joe. Ant and Jim would devolve into a revolving door of porn stars, trannies and UFC fighters within a month.

nobody knew who Joe Mattress is before that show.

Or after

What are you talking about ? That show was funny and ant and Jim got to do what they do best. Chime in instead of leading the charge

Shut up the podcast was funny

Didn't listen to the matarese podcast, but the call in anthony did to Jim and sam recently was funny too.

You're a fucking faggot. Opie sucks the life and humor out of anything he's on. The only reason O&A was so popular was because of Ant and Jim.

That's weird because when Opie and Anthony were at their peak Norton was only a friend of the show and not on it yet. But if you say so.

This is actually 100% correct. No one ever wants to bring that up

Find me a clip of O&A on their own before Jimmy came aboard that's as funny as classic Ant & Jim. Find me anything that proves that these two have ever had better chemistry than Ant and Jim.

They were syndicated before Jim Norton. Their fans made Jim Norton. Original listeners know this.

I'm not talking about their success. Dumb people will listen to any dumb shit. I'm referring to O&A content that is objectively better and funnier than other O&A content.

Well I guess you're the judge of funny so there's nothing more to argue. Hope you're enjoying Jim's show. Hey his advice show was pretty good too right.

I never said Jim or Ant were funny on their own. Don't be a salty twat. You know, on some level, that I'm not just talking out of my ass.

I don't have my panties in a bunch but the truth is that most of OnA's best content is minus Jim. He was off a lot of days even when he was a full time show member. Usually the person replacing him was at least as good as him. Listen to some of the best stuff on YouTube. Almost always has both Opie and Anthony and a lot of times no Jim. You just hate Opie and your argument is dishonest.

The only reason those episodes were so good was because of Patrice, Colin, Bill, or another hilarious replacement for Jim. But he's the one who brought that humor and that circle of friends to the show in the first place. And plenty of O&A's funniest moments were completely revolving around Jim. Before him, they were just "edgy" shock jocks. And yeah, they were successful - so is Jason Ellis, because there will always be a market for young douchebags who wanna hear naughty talk on the radio. What made O&A different was that it actually started to develop and become genuinely funny after Jim became a regular.

Sounds like your just a fan of Jim and will rationalize it however you need to to give Opie no credit. Truth is Opie and Anthony were funny and successful because of Opie and Anthony. Those comics were trying to get on their show because it gave them exposure and helped their careers. Most of them funniest comedic moments were on Opie and Anthony and not their standup or other projects. Opie and Anthony were way bigger than Ellis is now. You talk out your ass a lot. You don't like the truth because you don't like Opie.

First of all, I'm not as big a fan of Jim nowadays as I was in the past. Second of all, has it not been established by the years this sub has spent analyzing old clips that, before Jim, it was Ant keeping the show funny and entertaining? Why are you so adamant about defending Opie? I wasn't even bringing him up directly. But, since you insist on defending him as if he wasn't a self-centered douchebag leeching off his talented cohosts, find me a clip of Opie and Anthony riffing back and forth that could qualify as one of their best moments as a show.

I'm not your librarian. I just try to be honest. As far as the sub, yes very bais as to Opie.

Well then at least tell me your favorite bit or segment from that era and I'll find it myself.

The proof is they were at their peak before Jim. The rest is subjective.

I already addressed that. Shock jocks who said and did naughty things were popular at that point because of Howard. And the rest of not "subjective." Success does not guarantee quality (The Big Bang Theory was like the #1 show for years). I can actually provide clips that prove that I'm saying. But who am I to judge your choice of listening content? Enjoy the bra bombings, brothaman.

Please re-read your original comment, it says "popular". Opie and Anthony were their most "popular" before Jim. You are a crazy person.

Fine. The reason they've maintained their popularity is because of Ant and Jim. Regardless, you're a crazier person for attempting to defend Opie and give him more credit than he deserves.

He deserves at least half of the credit. You might hate him but he knows how to instigate good radio. He's definitely not the funniest but he's the best of the 3 at making good radio.

"find me a jury"

That was when they would play great AUDIO not videos. The downfall was before AntH was fired. It was when the show revolved around videos

So, i agree with you on the content. But, as far as Opie and Anthony, as a radio show, being the most popular, it was before Jim was a daily "host". I liked the show the most when Jimmy came on full-time, but they had the most listeners, got syndicated and made the most money when it was just the two of them.

Listen to any of the old Nopie shows and tell me they aren't hilarious

Bitch ass nigga

Almost every classic O and A bit has one thing in common, Jimmy was out. It's a fact.

You're insane

Even I disagree

I counter that it was Jim that made O&A great.

He brought in all the comics and made it the show we all loved

Never cared about the comics. Jim's best contributions to the show were when he would rant and scream about things with energy. Now he's calm. Anthony's best contributions were his stories about his weird lifestyle. And Opie was good at being hateable and viciously mean without a conscience. Any of that coming back if you get the band back together?

I still say Anthony & Jim need a third person to keep from rambling about nonsense. Nopie shows were funny, but after a few days they would (and did) become repetitive.

Anthony, Jim, Sam, Travis

That would be amazing.

Artie, Jimmy, Ant = Take my money

I'd rather listen to the wheels of my truck spinning, that Jim Norton.

I'm not your librarian. I just try to be honest. As far as the sub, yes very bais as to Opie.