Just a fully grown man sitting as such

6  2017-02-02 by dolan_the_rapper


"Hey Keith, fire up the camera bro, get a shot of me spread eagle on this couch... OH MAN THE STAFF HERE IS FREAKING OUT HAHAHA!!! NO ONE KNOWS IF THEY SHOULD SAY HIT TO ME HAHAHA!!! THE OQSTER IS BACK BABY!!!"

Two months later: "I was just faaawkin sitting like I always do, and they all thought I was doing it on purpose, I mean I guess that's what Jimmy heard, but yeah I was just genuinely sitting, I may have punched it up a bit for the IG...."

"I wasn't even doin a fawkin bit or anything...sniff...

Is he wearing timberlands? Does Opie think he is a 90s NY gangbanger?

If Ant had balls (which we all know he doesn't), he should've walked in and kicked that faggot's legs off of his table.

I prefer the Cronenberg approach

From "A History of Water"

I thought he was done with women coming in and showing their tits?

Remember when Alex Jones would talk about conspiracies like 9/11???????? He spent many years constantly saying that the "New World Order" have a plan that's been in the works for ages to eventually commit mass killing and drastically reduce the Earth's population. He even called this the "endgame" and made a movie with the same title. Fastforward to now, the same guy who used to call Rudy Giuliani an evil psychopath that knew about 9/11 in advance now shill for the exact same guy. AJ spent years shoring up the "conspiracy crowd" and is truly the most famous person who talks about conspiracies so that when "they" really want to start doing the big parts of their plan (that AJ talked about non-stop right up until he started worshipping Trump) they've got all the people that would normally suspect them now on their side. So now we have a president who obviously loves Israel and Russia. Two countries that I think most would agree are not at all opposed to false-flag attacks. There's already a lot talk amongst people who normally wouldnt talk about conspiracies that it feels like a false-flag is coming. Now that AJ can drive the narrative of the conspiracy community it's time to call anything that's anti-Trump a conspiracy instead of talking about the shit he's always talked about. A lot of people seem to be falling for this. Trump is part of an evil plan not some savior. Not to mention his constant warning about the incoming police state and constant criticisms of incidences police wrongdoing to now being totally pro police and attacking people who criticize them. I'm all for supporting police in a certain way but something is up with that although it could just be him jumping on the anti-BLM bandwagon. Also his previous constant warning about the military industrial complex and support of ron paul for being non-interventionist to now supporting war-mongering and military spending. Also him always bitching that people are treating Obama like a messiah and and then him now basically worshipping Trump almost literally. Again: A lot of people seem to be falling for this. Trump is part of an evil plan not some savior.

I wonder how many times he's been stopped on the way up to his apartment by another tenant telling him their sinks clogged again.

I can tell he's cool by the way he sits.

He is so hateable. How about showing some fucking respect when invited to someones place of business? Fucking douchebag.

The Photoshop potential is endless here.

Photoshop him being properly mounted please.

He looks like he's waiting for Bam to finish fucking Lynsi.