Forget Tits and Zits reunion. Here is Denny having fun at work.

77  2017-02-02 by Dennyislife


This "dab" shit is phenomenally stupid.

Not everything is meant for you.

you know if you read this in the right way it's almost like you complimented u/TacoTrots ;)

don't be a kiss ass for brownie points on reddit.

Yeah well I don't like dabbing -- and I don't like YOUUUUUUuuuuuuuuu!

applause and cheer


We all can see who the biggest G in the room is

You mean the biggest N.

With the biggest D

Denny looks just like my 70 year old Russian barber in this picture.

nice of them to pay their respects to the lord of piss

''Pisslord'' is a hack Sam/Opie bit. You people are pedophile faggots for using it.

Sup faggot

No picture exists, where Dennis Falcone is not in the center of the group.

What the casual observer might not realise is, Denny has by far the biggest cock out of anyone in that photo.

Barely has to bend down to perform his famous self suck.

Tucks his chin slightly and he's off to work

They don't call him Dennis "donkey dong" Falcone for nothing.

I hope there wasn't a good ol fashion hat removal after this pic was taken.

Why does Denny automatically look cooler in this picture?

Denny rules

haha nice Opie impression

denny is the heart and soul of that place, true salt of the earth.

I really hope Sam and Jim make Denny third mic. He deserves it. Lives his life to the fullest. Complete opposite of Opie, who sulks around the hallway, worrying about numbers.

Axe Sam and put Denny in the bigboy seat.

Who are these N people...?



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I wonder if those fools knew they were so close to death.

I'd fuck all of you to get to her.

And Denny.

In fact, forget her.

Opie has a chair in the corner by a stairwell. Ant had his guns taken away and did his best dracula impression. Jimmy spends his time edging and complaining he didn't get the 3 calories of breakfast during his show. And Denny is having the time of his life.

That chick's got some goofy-ass make-up.


Denny looks like a Genovese mob boss pretending to be a dj

haha nice Opie impression