Anyone going to watch The Comedian?

7  2017-02-02 by T2Tall



I've never seen a DeNiro film i don't intend to start now he's gone shit.

Fuck off!!! You've never seen goodfellas or casino???


You've never listened to "Robert deniro's waiting" By bananarama?

You lie.

Congratulations, you are missing out on some of the best films ever.

"I'm your new intern!"

His early films were great. Godfather 2, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, and Casino are all classics. Hell, he was even good Silver Linings Playbook

each film is what? 2 hours? I don't have the concentration span or will to spend 2 hours watching a film very often so when i do i'm not going to go with a more up to date one accepting there is a whole generation of films i just won't get around to seeing.

I don't have the attention span to get through your run-on sentence.


If you've never seen one of his films before, what is your basis of him going to shit based on?

When everyone who ever liked him is saying his films are shit now i'll accept it as a truth. I've see adverts and trailers for them too.

Good enough opinion for me.

That doesn't negate the value of his early work though, dummy.

Didn't say it did. I just don't have the inclination to go back and watch the history of cinema.

I know you didn't say that, it was clearly implied by what you did say. We have a commonality of language!

But why would you brag about that? That's like bragging about having a small dick, or being a virgin. Some things you should keep to yourself...

It's not bragging is it? Because if it is i've never got past half the first season of the Sopranos or the first episode of the wire either. #humblebrag

The comedian Rich Vos? Hell yeah son

He keepth dodging me

Maybe they should of found a comedian, instead of an actor, like white guys playing ethnically in the movies before the 70s

It's either should HAVE or should'VE, but never should OF.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

You tell 'em, bot. Some've these people are dumber than shit.

Please tell me there's an I seen bot.

Oh god no

In 2 years I'll probably watch it on Netflix at 2am when I'm drunk. Then I'll post about it on here and someone will call me a fag.

No. Because I got the plot from the trailer. DeNiro is an insult comic who has seen better days, he attacks a heckler and in community service falls in love with the most beautiful 44-year-old they could cast.

Nothing exciting, nothing new, nothing edgy. The hacky Vince Vaughn "I was a jackass at the beginning of this movie but this hot pussy has made me reflect and become a better person" ending with a beepedy-dee-dee jazz score that lets you know this film takes place in NEW YORK FUCKING CITY.

Bland oscarbait that didn't get a sniff of attention from the awards shows.

falls in love with Judd Apatow's wife


I will get drunk and watch it on kodi in months to a year.

If you pay for my ticket yes and popcorn and soda and snuggles

The commercial says it has "delightful" acting. I'm sold.

tss why not listen to the DJ or sumpthin'?

I sure will. He is headlining the Comedy Zone at Harrisburg, PA this Friday and Saturday.

No,DeNiro is dead to me..

Good enough opinion for me.

That doesn't negate the value of his early work though, dummy.