The biggest fuck you to opie from Sirius has been putting on a bantering abomination of a show that is Jim Norton and Sam Roberts.

4  2017-02-02 by Sippycupofpee

Berkly, travis's dog. It's shamefully boring. This morning 130lb 'never back down' Jim hung up on a caller after he called them cunts. The show has been neutered. Zero testosterone in the studio.


The shows not good but Ellis was a way bigger fuck you to opie and the rest of humanity

I don't even mind them hanging up on people because the callers have always sucked ass. It's just a shitty show.

And it was "white supremacist Ken". One of the biggest cunt callers ever. He is a fucking cancer. We get it Ken. You call everyone racist. What a boring faggot.

I haven't really listened to the show but was planing on getting into it this week. I'm guessing I shouldn't bother?

Depends. I'm sort of enjoying the implosion.

If you can't form your own opinion then yes don't listen you queer

So edgy.

Yeah,Opie's really getting motherfucked.

Jim & Sam will get better once they get the new interns, in their Manhattan studio.

Sam's hanging in because even though he's 100x more famous in the wrestling world... Sirius pays his bills and he makes pocket change off his podcast and WWE only calls him every few months.

I still listen but as soon as Ellis comes on the channel goes off. I get my Opie clips here. Sam and Jim is horrible.

Copomash is the anti-Patbattle in the sub. PatBattle is in every thread with only positive O&A posts. Copomash is only negative, and ALWAYS negative about shit radio shows. The fact that 99% of what Copomash says, especially about the boring 8a-11a Eastern time show on Faction Talk, I agree with is simply coincidental......

I listen everyday. The show isn't as bad as you're making it out to be. They're not very well informed about politics but I like political talk and there's a lot of crazy political stuff going on nowadays so they're going to talk about it. There's definitely a lot of room for improvement but it's still pretty darn good.

You put the worst two aspects of the o & a show on together, what did sirius expect. This channel sucks now

When AntH was fired, Sirius showed their hand. Then, when they gave Opie the channel name by himself, it was official. They do not care about any "talent" or "content" not named Howard Stern. Opie got a channel name and a raise. That is all you need to know. Sirius believes that Howard, and music" are all that anyone needs or wants. The rest is simply paid filler. Some paid decent, some paid shit, but all just filler.

The show is fine. People complaining care way too much about something that doesn't matter at all in the end. If you enjoy it - great. If you don't - stop crying and go outside or I don know - find something else to listen to.

trivialshit #grownmenbeingbabies