So does Opie avoid the Patrice benefit again but this time avoiding Jim and Sam rather than Anthony?

23  2017-02-02 by Dennyislife

What kind of cunt lets his ego get in the way of remembering a old buddy/


Despite him taking 5 minutes for Patrice's first 100 appearances to say "Me and Patrice got a lil bit of a friendship goin on...", Opie and Patrice were never friends

He grew a beard maaaaaaan. A visual indication that there were best friends and to let people know he was filled with very powerful meaningful human emotions when he died.

Did you see all those fawkin' tweeters jumping the dead patrice o'neal bandwagon? He was SO angry about that.

Opie desperately wanted Patrice to be his friend. He was always putting a little extra in his fake laugh, agreeing with everything Patrice said, and begging to be invited to Patrice's BBQs. It was disgusting. Which is exactly why Patrice and Ant were better friends- mutual cynicism and respect.

Maybe the douchiest things Opie has ever done involved his interaction with Patrice. From him growing a memorial beard to him screaming "HOLD ON" at the top of his lungs that he thought was an important point, but in reality was conversation poison.

He had the guts to claim that he had some intense "back and forths" with Patrice like it was a mental Mayweather/Pacquiao every time they spoke.

The worst was when he made it such a point how he gave him stupid louis XIII cognac. He kept bringing it up and exaggerated how much the empty bottle was worth. The guy did hundreds of hours of radio for him and you REGIFT him some over-hyped cognac. Patrice barely even drank.

Until Patrice suggested Opie let him fuck his chick. That was the end of that. Greggshells were officially stepped on that day.

Link to audio?

Who cares?

They need to rename it "Benefit for the deadbeat ho who fucked a black comedian who died before making money she could steal"

Yeah, really. I fucking loved Patrice, but he died in 2011. Why is this benefit still going on? Hasn't it been enough time for his cum dumpster to find a job?

It's not for her, it's for his mom where she has a condo now thanks to the benefit. He talked about it before on the podcast.

It sounds like his ex-gf gets anything and that's why there's a tiff between Von and Patrice's mom.

Von really needs that cash to finish that international documentary.

Oh lawdy, ya'll need Jesus!

Alright, well, that changes my tune entirely.

I'm fine with it, people who want to give their money will give their money and they always put on a stacked show in return. But why aren't there indefinite benefits for Giraldo's mom?

I like Giraldo, and there was a benefit for him if I remember right. He gets grouped in with a couple comics who died from drug addiction, I forget the name of that benefit or if it's reoccuring.

Bill Burr organized this one, do you expect him to organize one for every dead comic? I think people felt more of a sense of loss with Patrice because of how many hours of radio he did.

Makes sense

Yeah what exactly is the point of the benefit? I figured it was a charity deal for diabetes. Are you telling me the family just panhandles? Gay.

Yep it's for his welfare mama to continue to not work.

Didn't Patrice say his mom had 2 jobs while he was growing up. She's an old lady now, his friends probably don't want her breaking her back to make ends meet into her 70's.

Too bad ant is busy supporting bother-leech to throw some money at his moms.

They should at least donate a bit to stroke or diabetes foundations


Benefit for what? Dudes dead.

His wife?

His momz

He will have some family stuff pop up. Won't be able to make it. He will have realllllly wanted to be there tho

He wasn't Patrices buddy. Pandering to the giant black dude does not make you friends. Where we at with the Louis XIII? I don't drink it. You wan't it Patrice? Maybe just a taste? Its worth like 3 grand. Faggotry

The benefit was great last year but each comedian did a retard bit, and there was like a small retard field trip sitting in front of me. Cringed for days

bobo is cool with retard jokes.

He's only 1/4 retarded

I guess Bonnie is now boycotting the benefit.

Vos was actually a great host last year.

How many benefits does Patrice need? Yeah, he died too young but for fuck's sake it's just ridiculous at this point.

ME: If you really wanna know, I had some juice from juice generation and my stomach was upset. That's why I didn't go to the benefit. So don't believe er'thing you read on twitter.

Everyone assumes the money goes to Von, but nobody knows for sure. Ive heard it all goes to Von, it all goes to his mom, and it gets split 50/50 between the two. Its all speculation

Patrice said himself that Von deserves anything she can get because she was his soldier, she went to battle for him and stuck it out with him longer than any other woman had. Patrice's mom definitely deserves more of the money than Von, but you have to respect the mans wishes.

If I were good friends with Patrice I would want to keep his memory alive too, even if there was controversy over where the money goes, because its not about the money. Im sure Bill has more than enough money to help support Patrice's mom without the benefit, but its about more than just money in my opinion.

The irony is Patrice would probably not agree with the benefit going on for so long, but who knows really.

Von is an adult with a child who depends on her appearance for her career, she needs money. Patrice's mom is retired, has a condo that's paid for, and probably just plays bridge all day.

I memba Opie shitting on the whole thing that time Von was on to promote the slowest produced documentary/ ponzie scheme in the world. Had to give him props for that

Von is an adult with a child who depends on her appearance for her career, she needs money. Patrice's mom is retired, has a condo that's paid for, and probably just plays bridge all day.

Von really needs that cash to finish that international documentary.

Oh lawdy, ya'll need Jesus!

Alright, well, that changes my tune entirely.

I'm fine with it, people who want to give their money will give their money and they always put on a stacked show in return. But why aren't there indefinite benefits for Giraldo's mom?

Makes sense