Baby boy jim's latest tantrum

174  2017-02-02 by [deleted]

Baby boy got upset because they don't have interns and it's not right that D bag has to go get them breakfast. The station manager should have told jim: "you're right. Derek shouldn't be getting you guys breakfast. From now on he is to remain on premises doing his job. You work here three hours a day and can eat your fucking breakfast before or after work like everyone else does"

How does someone who works so little feel entitled that someone should go get them breakfast every day? This seems to be a holdover to when OandA were popular and actually had the power to demand such a thing. Delusional Jimmy.


What's wrong with this complaint? All the other shows have interns, so should J&S.

Why can't Jim just bring a bag of almonds and a bottle of mustard to work with him?

Dude mustard is ridiculously high carbs and sugar

Yellow mustard has zero carbs and zero sugar.

Oh, literal toolman!

Jeez, what is it, Thanksgiving? Jim might put on a few grams eating like that.

Don't want to ruin that skinny fat bag of milk he works so hard on

I'm pretty convinced he's got some weird ass loose skin fetish that only jim norton can have like he wraps his loose skin around his dick and jerks off

No? I'm the only one who thinks about the ways jim norton jerks off?

My mom used to tuck me in really really tight with my arms under the sheets where I couldn't move and just call me a faggot over and over until i fell asleep

Stop, I'm gonna cum

Okay faggot.

He only gets up from his trump tower apartment 20 minutes before the show starts, because he was edging to tranny porn the whole night (also known as : honing your craft)

time to bring back the 'almond shake'. shuka shuka





Do you think this queen could ever survive an 8 hour job on his feet with no meal provided?

No Jim is a faggot without the ability to be productive to anyone ever. He can't even make us laugh anymore. Boooo Jim. Boo

He leaves hotels if they don't have the right pillows.

Not at fucking all. Jim's disconnect with what the average working person experiences is amazing. He can't make it through a 3 hour radio show without bitching about breakfast. I've got a great job now but in my 20s I struggled through some shitty jobs and worked with guys that were twice my age that had families and they would work 6 days a week with 10-12+ hour days and were lucky to get 30 full minutes to sit down and eat. Some guys even had two jobs just to get by, and if you bitched like Jimmy bitches they'd just make your life hell until you quit. Jim has no idea. I'm tired or comics getting together on radio shows and podcasts and talking about how hard it is to be a comic. They're a bunch of whiney bitches.

Absolutely. Work in a fucking factory for a 12 hour day, Baby Boy.

Wasn't he a warehouse worker before comedy? Ol Toast Norton would never complain about breakfast. He'd fix it before he walked out the door... of his parents' house.

He drove a forklift like a man.

I forget which comic said it, but there's a reason these people aren't doing a 9-to-5 anymore nor should they.

Jim is the male Iliza when it comes to bitching about this stuff.

I thought Sam was the intern

Do you think Sam's immediate reaction is to jump to get it?

probably not.

"which ones Itchy, the car?"

This is just Jim desperately scratching and clawing for material. Of course, this schmaltzy shock comic has to reach for whats within arms reach, which is hard if you're a worm. Not like we had a major US campus burning last night over free speech issues to mine material from, lets go with the 30 year old Stern "bitch at management" boilerplate. I don't know whether to be more shocked or ashamed that Jim claims Bob Grant as an influence.

You're giving them more credit than they deserve, thinking they could have a conversation about the campus burning and sound somewhat intelligent or informed.

"I dunno dude, I see both sides. I like Milo, he's funny and probably harmless. But people are scared of Trump."

Was it as entertaining as the tantrum Jimmy threw a few years back when Sal wanted to actually get work done instead of fetching Jim's blueberries and cottage cheese??

What's with cottage cheese for breakfast? Jimmy, Blob Kelly, it grosses me out.

It's a sissy diet trend that all the house wives rave about

That actually is a good point. In the old XM days, they were on the air from 6 to 10:30 every morning if not later so getting breakfast would make sense based on those hours.

For three fucking hours gets something to eat before you fucking diva!

It still wouldn't make sense. Your high paying low stress job is to be on radio for 4 hours. Breakfast isn't timed to the same set of hours. Eat around it, not on mic.

They'd get breakfast but then complain the commercial breaks on XM weren't long enough to eat, then they had to go too long before they could break to pee. Fucking pampered queers.

Then their big oaf bodyguard would walk them to the bathroom to make sure nobody beat them up.

Okay I'm not the only one who never understood why they needed to stop the show to eat breakfast when they work like 3-4 hours a day.

It's just too much effort to make oatmeal the night before and bring it in. I wouldn't expect a civilian to understand.

"They're steel cut oats, STUPID! They lose their FLAVA if you freeze it overnight! Whaddya expect, me to use a microwave?!"

Opster needs it dry! But not "dry" dry, I mean with nothin' in it!


That was engaging.

It's actually what turned me against Opie before it was cool to hate him. In 2006 they got his soup order wrong so he threw a hissyfit and said he was going to throw his hot soup from the window onto someone walking by. Anthony talked him out of it. But I wished he did it to some crazed Puerto Rican who would have come up and slit his throat.

It was just a BIT pumped up for the radio MAN

Probably. But you know they could also get caught up in the hype and do shit like that. Cakestomp, for example. I could see Opie doing a lot of unnecessary stupid shit tbh. Where the fuck are the stories??? Erock, comment?

The breakfast break & the constant talk about breakfast always annoyed me about the show back in the day. I'm surprised it's still going on, they should just be happy that they still have a job being that Jim & Sam are unlistenable at this point.

Diagnosed with low blood sugar much like other heavy chested middle aged women, you'll recall.


Hey ya know...when you sign that Union card, thats just one-a-tha perks. But whatta I know; I just fill my thermos up with coffee and try to give the boss man a good days work, just like those fellas.

I stop at the Speedway on the way to the job. Get a donut and a container of coffee.

Colleges are under the impression that the kids are getting valuable on the job experience from the internship and granting the kids credit. The kids and their parents are paying to be there.

Jim doesnt understand the responsibilities of an intern. Sure - there is some go-for shit with an internship but Jim doesnt understand that.

Sirius is unsure whether Jim & Sam will be on air for the entire semester.

It must really suck of Jim. For most of his O&A career he could coast and hold that position over his comedy friends. Now he's going to have to rely on his own merits.

To play Devil's Advocate, there are a hell of a lot of internships out there that know deep down there's no paying gig to offer. They want to use you for "job experience" and then move on to the next fucko when your internship is over.

Sam, D-Bag, Adrian, tons of other guys started as interns, did a good job, and were eventually offered a full-time gig by SXM. Compared to what else is out there it's actually a decent radio internship.

Sirius XM internships are paid since a few years ago

Umm, Jim's right. For better or worse, radio interns are the equivalent of servants. Anyone who thinks being a radio intern after college is a foot in the door is right. Anyone who thinks they will learn anything of value about the craft is mostly wrong.

It's a sensitive situation...Conde Naste was sued by an intern because they weren't offered true "job experience."

The whole media industry craped their pants after that one.

It's funny how much people care here.

Lady Di was the only intern or 'person' on the show with big enough balls to question jimmy's authority (19m13s) May she sail the seas in peace.

out there lookin for water buffalers

They do live in water...


America's sweetheart.

by sweetheart, i hope youre referring to diabetes.

Like ol' Sugar Toes O'Neal

She never unblocked me for trying to give her advice. Fuck her. I hope they buried her at sea.

Yea, he's insanely out of touch. With o&a I remember someone calling out jim for eating on the air which was disgusting. He started yelling that he had to get up too early to eat and the breaks went long enough for him to eat during them. What a faggot

Lip smacking Patrice was the worst on air eater. He might be alive if he stopped eating donuts for those 3-4 hours.

Lip smacking Patrice

Hol up

he had to get up too early to eat

It's so easy to spot people who've never had a real job and would grab whatever is handy and eat it on the way to work.

'Customer service Jimmy' is worst Jimmy.



Irony is ironic

He threw a 10 minute vague passive aggressive sulk the other day because those scccccumbagss in management asked him to promote his own show

He's a pampered idiot. He lies more about his past than Opie.

Do you have a YouTube link or show date? This is 2nd or 3rd time someone mentioned this I'd like to hear it.

It's a culmination of things to understand what he's whining about. He's upset at management for telling him to promote the show and do prep and generally take it more seriously.


My god is he pathetic. This is the first time I listened to jim and sam without a guest and it's horrible. Jim's being a little bitch and alluding to things the exact same way 0pie does. Hey, retard, the audience needs to know what you're talking about or you're just talking to yourselves. Also, Sam's laugh is atrocious.

good point, how the hell did I not think of this? they only work 3 freaking hours. hell, I've gone up to 7 hours without food at work before... besides, hungry Jimmy is probably more entertaining anyway, take away the man's breakfast fetching servant like he wants!

Me too, pal!I'm at the jobsite sometimes 9-10 hours a day. Then we have a buttered roll & a cuppa joe, and are glad t'get it!

ahhh whaddo I know, I'm just your regular Joe on the job site, I get my lunch from my own lunch pail every day and just eat whatever my ol' lady packed for me that mornin'... I think we need more of Regular Joe on the show these day

From your lips to God's ears, pally!

Don't forget your container of coffee, pal.

And my ciggy.

*container of coffee

SHIT! You're right!

You're spot on. Eat your fuckin' egg whites & bean sprouts before you come in. Listening to those entitled fags eat & complain about their breakfast on the air .... Jesus.

I don't know whether to be productive to anyone ever.


I'm not sure if you're aware of this but people of a certain public profile are paid very well and have their food brought to them when they want. This is usually because what they do can not be done by just anyone. Whereas your job for example, could be done by a spastic monkey. Do you see now why your not getting served breakfast?

This is apparently what Jim thinks and when he's out of a job he will see how wrong he was. He's not Howard stern.

So only Stern can be served eggs while working. Didnt know that. Thanks for the info. What about Robin? Does she get breakfast or just Howard?

She gets coffee up the ass for breakfast.

Looks like Mr702law got some egg on his face! :)

Robin lays her own eggs, ammiright?

The point my dear faggot, is not that he gets breakfast delivered. Its that he seems to think bitching about it when it doesn't is something his listeners need to hear on a regular basis. Also, try having a spastic monkey assistant manage the 3rd largest Panera Bread on the west coast. I dare you.

of a certain public profile

Not at all. Not even slightly remotely.

It's simple. If you're being paid a salary to do radio in the morning (or any time of the day, really), you have 100% of an expectation that there is someone behind the scenes to get you food. It's not a moral thing. It has nothing to do with status. It has everything to do with a) radio contracts and b) being "the talent".

Just because you're feeling bitchy today because they heard something that unnerved or unmanned them, and would prefer that "the talent" wasn't "the talent", doesn't make it so. It's business. Anyone who legitimately doesn't get that is a literal retard.

He should do a Gilbert and swing by Caroline's and grab a to-go box

How can they be expected to run a radio show with a staff of only 5 (troy, travis, dbag, adrian, 1/3 of roland)?

Exactly and one has to post to Facebook and one to Snapchat, another to Instagram, and another to google movies from the 70's

Especially when 1/3 of Roland is like 4 people.

If the show was from 9:30 to 9:45 every morning, he'd still find a way to kvetch about not being served breakfast during it.

Just so we are clear, it's only Jim being a diva/babyboy. Sam doesnt do on the job breakfast.

There was nothing worse on O&A than food talk. Not Opie's ship steering or management crying. Not Anthony's "They're all out to get me!" panicking. Not lousy celebrity guests. It was food. Ordering breakfast. Talking about breakfast. Talking about not having time to eat breakfast. Talking about getting the breakfast orders correct. Talking about cronuts. Eating cronuts. Awful, awful, awful radio.

And the Smoothies. If Slave Kenny didn't have those Smoothies by the time they walked over to XM, god help him.

Jimmy has taken food talk to a new low, absolutely creaming his pants in anticipation of eating a single slice a pizza a month from now and bringing it up every single day for no reason.

He probably makes such a big deal out of it because he's so weak willed when it comes to his jerk off addiction that he needs SOMETHING he can have some self control with.

Jimmy is the worst and I don't know why anyone ever liked him.

I always loved the preface too... "Look, I know I have a really easy job... BELIEVE ME, I know that my job is the easiest one out there, so I'm not complaining here... but I just need my breakfast to be exactly the way I need it to be, otherwise I'm going to whine like a bitch for three hours and possibly let it bleed into other shows. I just need to eat properly and at a certain time otherwise it totally fucks up my whole day and nothing is right after that. Listen, I'm not being a primadonna here, I swear. I know this is an easy job and I would never complain about anything, but you guys just need to have my breakfast ready for me at the right time, that's all. It's really not too much to ask. Again, not complaining.

Except when is was about eating grapes.

The station manager should have told jim: "you're right. Derek shouldn't be getting you guys breakfast. From now on he is to remain on premises doing his job. You work here three hours a day and can eat your fucking breakfast before or after work like everyone else does"

I've never understood their food obsessions. Why are they the only radio show that made their food needs a bit? There's some real fat fucks in radio, and they don't complain on air about goddamn food for 13 years. Fucking faggots.

Howard Stern used to do this bit 3x per week before he transformed into "America's favorite boilerplate question asker."

They just seek to kill time. It was the same with the bathroom breaks. I really doubt they had urgent needs to rush to the bathroom everyday but it ate up 5-10 minutes and they could get away with it.

Your high paying low stress job is to jump to get it? probably not.

When the show started at 6 a.m. and was on for over 4 hours it absolutely made sense for food to show up for the hosts. But now the show begins at 8. Eat before you go live! And Jim has reverted back to the horrible (to me) habit of eating on mic, something they had managed to stamp out for quite a while at the end of O and A and during O and J. That's just bush league stuff.

He's 60 years old and deserves breakfast.

Eat before you get to work or buy the fucking eggs yourself before you get into the building you selfish worm. Oh wait he can't do that. He doesn't have his lumbering giant to protect him from the swarms of people that would descend upon him. Just imagine going into your job and instead of sitting down and getting right to work you spend 20 minutes eating at your desk. A client? Oh they'll have to wait because my bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich that I sent an intern out to buy has to be eaten right this minute. After I eat this, drink a smoothie, eat some blueberries, and maybe have a cup of coffee then I'll be with them. What? Fired?

I find that weird too. Why don't they just have a craft services type thing set up they can just pick at during breaks? It has to be a full on breakfast order? I know it's showbiz and you're supposed to cater to the talent, but you're right, it's a 3hr show. They bring lunch/dinner catering on movie sets and stuff, but those are 15hr days. Kind of a weird thing to be so upset about, but what the hell do I know. Get my container a coffee, head to the job site.

It's a testament to how bad Opie is that this whiny little self-absorbed fruit is seen as the good guy.

Jim Norton stinks and I don't like him.

Also, take a piss when you get up in the morning. It's three hours, how can you not be able to get through it without a bathroom break?

Every time I've ever heard the hissy fit at the show over food, I've always wondered: why don't they order food? Delivery is a very real option. Phone calls take 5 minutes. Seemless takes 2 minutes.

Or better yet: you're a millionaire. Subscribe to a food delivery service that brings you custom meals daily.

Stop complaining about not having slaves to bring you food.

Best I can tell it's gotta be some morning show standard thing. Everybody has always done it. All shows for as long as I've heard any.

A lot if afternoon shows still send someone out for food.

Yeah but how hard is it to throw a Clif Bar into your pocket or something?

Jimmy is really letting Opie get to him and it's making him a shit bag and his comedy is suffering as well.

I always thought it was absurd that they ate breakfast on air. Fucking eat before work like literally everyone in the country.

SiriusXM saw the Chip cartoon and did what they had to do.

not to sound like regular joe but i have to wake up at 5 and have no time for breakfast, and i work a real job, not sit in a cushy chair and do funny voices.

Everyone eats on the job in morning radio. What in fuck's name could you possibly be babbling about. "Entitled" to eat? That's universally what comes with a morning radio contract you dimwit.

How the fuck do you know?!?

Jim and Opie are always talking about their healthy egg whites and juicing recipes but they both look really unhealthy.

I listen to the breakfest club which is a show for niggers with nigger hosts and not even they fuckin eat on air and talk about breakfast how the fuck does managment allow them to eat on air>

To give this request for interns some context, Jim used to fuck Ron and Fez intern Lilly, until Opie traded her to Brother Weeze to save Jim and Sirius from a mess of lawsuits.

Yeah I'm sure he wants interns so he can be a big shot and bully people or if they're women, he can ogle them, make them uncomfortable, and hope he can fuck them.

Jim is a fancy boy and he needs a fancy breakfast brought to him properly. I cant believe u faggots are sticking up for some 28 year old worthless 'civilian' intern

Jim is OBSESSED with the IDEA of CELEBRITY and celebrities get the little people to bring them breakfast like he saw as a kid on TV. God, Jim is so fucking hypnotized by the carrot on the string that he thinks he's holding the stick. It's really kind of baffling how he can't see through the bullshit by now.

It always made me angry hearing them bitch about their breakfast as I'm half awake making toast and cracking a beer before work.


Don't want to ruin that skinny fat bag of milk he works so hard on


My god is he pathetic. This is the first time I listened to jim and sam without a guest and it's horrible. Jim's being a little bitch and alluding to things the exact same way 0pie does. Hey, retard, the audience needs to know what you're talking about or you're just talking to yourselves. Also, Sam's laugh is atrocious.

The part I never understood was having a guest int he studio only to immediately set a plate of food down in front of them before the interview.