After listening to jre with Alex jones...

9  2017-02-02 by jokopolis

With all that pizzagate talk, anyone want to guess where that brave kamikaze benn swann went? Any guess? #Deathpool2017


Eddie bravo did his best to ruin the podcast.

It's what he does best.

I'm really confused why him as a conspiracy nut was laughing off everything Alex was saying. Was he trying to buddy up to Joe to seem like he wasn't like Alex?

No, about 45 minutes in they smoked pot. Eddies demeanor changed within 10 minutes.

He was the Opie of the show. The last hour and a half is almost unlistenable because of him.

I agree. At one point it was like he was mocking Jones, which was weird. And then he was obsessing about chemtrails to the point Joe said "he doesn't know anything about that"

I swear to god i tuned into it live and the first thing i see is Alex jones gulp some booze and say "pizzagate.." followed by a cut to Joe saying "whoa..".

I just tuned in once in a while and watched a bit. The last time was when Alex said that there were drones in world war 2. This guy is getting a front row seat at the white house briefings. What a time to be alive!

Alex Jones is? Where did you hear that? I heard infowars MIGHT get press credentials but thats like saying biting a girls hand is the same as breaking her ribs.

I no was I exaggerating for comedic effect? I'm so sorry I should just state the facts so that all the aspies still get it.

Yeah, mine was a serious statement. I guess you didn't make it past the second question mark. Full Spectrum ass.

I was watching a ww2 documentary on Netflix and Germany was able to send airplanes loaded with bombs to England and they would run out of gas and just fall. That was 1943 technology

The V1 was not an aircraft loaded with bombs. It was a primitive cruise missile with a pulse jet engine. Kids these days, sheesh.

Thanks! I wasn't 100 percent on this

The best is when Alex (who was high and drunk off whiskey) kept taking his headphones off and screaming, Joe at least on 4 different occasions told him to put his headphones back on. It felt like Lady Di was on the podcast.