Any of you Proud Boys have a question for Gavin?

0  2017-02-02 by ohsnapvince



NYU? He's probably hoping for a massive protest and forced cancellation, ala Milo but without the shooting. Great publicity, won't even have to leave the house/bar.

An AMA that you have to ask questions 24 hours prior? No thanks.

Right? Fuckin strange

It's extreme vetting

What are your thoughts on drinking and driving?

Do you venerate the quadriplegic housewife?

My company is on the verge is cashing in but I think they're getting 'too corporate', any advice?

Sell your stake NOW!

Since you're a wannabe Tyler Durden, do you also have a wannabe alter ego that narrates your life?

Can proudboys and The_Donald have a death match to see who's follower can kill more of themselves.