Has anyone fallen out with a friend/family member/acquaintance etc over the US election?

16  2017-02-01 by McGowan9

An annoying chick I know, who's married to a friend of mine, put up the latest in a long line of "Trump is the anti-Christ/Hitler etc" posts on a social media site. She ended it with #notmypresident.

When I jokingly ( and reasonably, I thought) pointed out that, as she's a British citizen, he will indeed never be her president, the hysterical cunt sent me an angry and expletive-laden message and accused me of being a secret Trump supporter etc.

I really hope my pal gives her the ole' Cumia rib-tickler treatment.


No. But the fact that I tell my friends and family the Jews did 9/11 and the holocaust was greatly exaggerated has not helped matters.

just double down dude and everything will be ok again.

you did it wrong - you were too shy about all that.

How does your rabbi feel about that?

Oy vey! He told me to get a schvitz at the deli

You ain't wrong

I keep getting kicked out of book clubs for nominating The Turner Diaries.

No if family left you just for having a different opinion that probably is a blessing since that's extremely shitty

I had an argument on the phone with my sister who lives in Florida. I didn't even want to talk about the election, I called to see how her kids were doing, but she was tipsy and just kept bringing the shit up. She just kept repeating the talking points she heard on the news, he's a sexual assaulter, he hates mexicans, all Trump supporters are racist.

At one point she started crying cuz I kept making jokes, she was all upset cuz my brother said to our cousin on facebook "add me nigger" and how that's so racist. Then she got all offended when I asked what she was drinking, even though she was clearly drunk. Not really a falling out, but it annoyed me cuz I didn't even want to have that conversation, just wanted to see how my niece and nephew were doing. I've ignored a few of her calls since just cuz I don't feel like listening to her bullshit.

What are you drinking?

Nothing right now.

No. Some of my favorite people are also the people I enjoy arguing with. It's crazy to think that everyone should have the same political outlook. That's how you get information bubbles and "safe spaces".

Agreed. This twat is one of those people who can't see past whatever social cause or ideology she's been convinced is trendy this month. It's probably just a coincidence but she's also a vegan yoga instructor and doula.

At what point did your buddy's balls end up in this cunt's purse? Before or after the wedding? Has she always been this way? I'm curious b/c I lost a friend to a crazy bitch who wasn't even that hot.

He knocked her up and married her about 6 months later. Around then.

He'd told me about a month before she got pregnant that he was having doubts about her, that everything had to be done her way, she got jealous about the smallest things etc. His dad is a loser who ditched him, his brother and mother so my friend is (I think) desperate not to be that guy. Which is fair enough. But because he never really had a good male role model, he's basically become her bitch and she wears the trousers in the relationship.

It's kind of sad in a way, the guy's been probably my best friend since we were 13 and I don't recognise him anymore. Her views are his views, she tells him what to wear, what to think. He's even gone vegan too because she did, which is hilarious if you know the guy because he's a fucking bacon addict. I don't chat to him so much anymore because it's frustrating to see how the dude I've been tight with for 20 years is rapidly disappearing. Still, it's his life so whatever.

I had a family member post "if you voted for Trump unfriendly me. Family, friends, I don't care...un-friend-me".

Some people are fuckin nuts

No. There are no democrats in my family or at my country club.

No, my friends don't agree with me politically but politics has nothing to do with smoking weed and playing viseo games

politics has nothing to do with smoking weed and playing video games

And not getting pussy

No, my friends and family aren't children. Whatever happened to never obsessing about politics or religion in a public forum?

I absolutely agree. I've never been a fan of hers, just play nice because she's married to a guy I've been friends with for 20 years. Was surprised that my dumb joke was met with such an over-the-top reaction.

When it gets to the point where everyone cares about it, because it has real world consequences over religious shit that most of us have already moved on from. Money and living circumstances matter to people, and it's enraging when you feel someone you respect puts zero effort into their research and just believes total retarded made up shit. Why would you want dummies surrounding you?

I had to have a root canal the other day, the lady asked if I wanted to have gas during my procedure and I said YES, please. The dr came in and cranked it up and asked if I wanted a script for pain. I said I just knew Trump was going to make things great again, the girl was not impressed with my humor! Laughing gas is the best.

Getting a crown this Friday and I'm so fuckin excited for the gas. And they gave me a Valium script too.

Getting old can be fun some days! I'll be doing the same in a couple weeks as well, I guess after a root canal you need to cap the bastards. Make sure they turn your gas up to 11.

Yeah, I can't wait til I get a lumbar strain so I can get some percocet. I like to take at least 5 at a time.

Sounds delicious. I got 25 Vics for a root canal, maybe I can tell him it still hurts, like double the pain!

Yeah I moved out of Chicago a year ago and haven't found any connections where I live now so I gotta wait until I get hurt or need a dental procedure to get high now.

FIBWAB? That's what we call Illinois folks where they drive through my great state!

Haha I've heard that. Where in WI are you?

sadly, St. Paul. You should hear the name I call these stump jumpers though! I am only a half hour or so to the motherland.

Yeah man Summit Brewery is badass

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that that mouth of yours was getting fucked like a prostitute at Mardi Gras while you thought you were getting dental work done.

I prefer the term lot lizard at a roadside Plaza.

If you break up friendships over fucking politics- you're a faggot.

I'm conservative politically but because of my interests/hobbies my friends have always tended to be quite liberal. Most of them seem to accept my conservatism as a harmless personal eccentricity. But Trump (who I wasn't a big fan of myself until quite recently) really brings out the crazy in a lot of people. So far I've only lost one friendship, though. A girl at work, who I got along well with and who used to have a thing for me, unfriended me on facebook and stopped speaking to me after I made some pro-Trump posts. I'm sure she thinks I'm the intolerant one.

Socially media pretty much forces a conversation you would never have out of respect for someone to happen.

Some people love to debate and discuss, others just have personal values and don't like them to be challenged.

As a libtard, I dont understand other libtards not finding this fucking amazing and enjoying every minute of it. Every day is a freaky adventure with Prez Trump.

It's like watching retards play with firearms.

Nope. Like me, everyone in my social circle is a west coast liberal elite.

Only with some short, uppity spaghetti nigger is in any position to get on a soap box about treating women with respect.

I did.. Not a falling out so to speak but they am think I'm a woman hating racist... Which they're correct

My father leaned slightly to the right politically, so I stabbed him to death while he was in slumber

I'm a conservative Nevertrumper, so I've actually found myself with some very bizarre allies these last few months.

What I really find funny are the liberals who just won't accept an ally unless they're in lock-step with whatever their particular brand of socialism happens to be. I posted an article from the Cato Institute that denounced the travel ban as nonsensical and ineffectual, and one of the responses was, "Pfft, libertarians just want more immigrants to exploit."

I'm a conservative Nevertrumper

Might as well say you like watching other men pleasure your wife

More Reagan, less Buchanan.

Reagan's dead grandpa, your right wing kids are shitposting on 4chan and watching anime and destroying globalism.

It's true.

My family literally never talks about politics at all and i never talk about it to them, and im pretty much a commie nazi who has read numerous political philosophy books and could tear them a new shithole if i had to. And the media keeps making up new scandals about trump every week, i think this is exhausting to normies who are just tuning it out and turning it into white noise, actually trumps base is happy he is doing the things he promised he would do during the election. Can you imagine being a lib after trump won? They are literally on edge and offended 24/7, now they have to deal with a guy who does not give a fuck, feels no guilt, is master at manipulating the media, and crushes his enemies with glee.

Im pretty sure by year 3 patton oswalt is going to be in the nut hut

Its a blitzkrieg too, every 4 hours a new story comes out. You literally have to go off grid to escape it.

A guy i know had a complete Facebook meltdown and 'un-friended' everyone who disagreed with him. I'm 90% sure it was it was a Kaufman-esque charade.

Yeah one of my best friends has been ignoring me since election day. I didnt gloat or anything. Trump won, he wrote a facebook rant about how him and his mother have been crying, and hasnt spoken to me since.

Yeah, I actually had a cousin delete me off facebook for liking milo yiannopoulos posts. We got along fine before that. What a fucking nutjob.

I've had a handful of chicks who wouldn't continue to or consider fucking/dating me without first asking if I voted for Trump.

I'm what you would call a moderate - I try to unbiasedly look at both sides, and some points from each party I agree with, and lots from both parties I don't.

My parents, who did vote for Trump (as they are older, they were tired of seeing so many handouts of a welfare generation when their family's struggled when they were young without suck things, plus they didn't like where the country was going, so to me that's valid reasons), called my balanced view "dumb and unrealistic", as there is no Moderates in this world and you have to ultimately pick a side (I don't entirely agree with that).

Half of my friends area conservative and half of my friends area liberal, and between random bullshit posts that go on ALL. FUCKING. DAY. on both sides, I've seen such anger out of both halves over what they feel is right or wrong, with neither really listening to the others point, ever.

I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the ride. This'll be an interesting four years at least. I didn't like either candidate, anyway.

Thankfully i live in the Silicon Valley there is no one within a few 100 miles with an IQ low enough to have voted Trump.

Im pretty upset at my family for supporting Trump. They have always been subtly alt right, but never really "religious right".

I just found it shocking how they believe everything he says to he true. Or has the qualifications to run the country. Also on another note, Im an environmental scientist, and doctoral candidate.

They could care less that I probably wont be able to find a job when Im done.

I could give a shit about Clinton, I ended up going for Johnson myself. We live in NY/NJ so its easy to vote for a 3rd party instead of the greater of two evils.

I voted for Johnson too (not that I liked him that much, but it was a protest vote), but I've warmed up to Trump a lot since he won the election and in hindsight I wish I'd voted for him. I love how he triggers the SJW types. I'm right wing, but not religious right - I'm basically an atheist, although I think religion can have some value as a moral guide even if it isn't ultimately based on anything supernatural. I would caution against judging anyone's intellect based solely on their political leanings. I've known brilliant people who were all over the political map, and the same with stupid people. The difference I've noticed is that more intelligent people seem more willing to debate the issues and change their opinions if presented with more compelling evidence.

I should of clarified, they have no basis or pattern of thought for their support of Trump. They are merely controlled by xenophobia and a fear of not being patriotic.

Also, wishing you voted for someone because they inject tears of people you disagree with isn't that great. SJW's are annoying, especially when they are authoritarian about it but I think there heart is in the right place.

It's either should HAVE or should'VE, but never should OF.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

Cool story bro.

No, but there's definitely a few family members I want to delete. I think Trump stinks, but I'm still getting sick of them posting every shitty, poorly written article (from garbage sources) they can find.

burned some gay dudes house down on election night after trump won and am awaiting trial and my family didnt really think it was a good decision other than that no

I live in Southern California, so my Facebook feed for the last year or so has nothing but an anti-Trump bitchfest, which, as you can imagine, has intensified recently. And yes I've seen the "unfriend me if you support Trump" sentiment.
I was a liberal my whole life until the recent behavior of the Left drove me to the other side. (I have to admit the Sirius firing of Anthony was one of things.) I also have the "close friend whose wife is an anti-Trump psycho" problem. The crazy thing is 18 months ago, she was fairly nonpolitical. Now everything is "Hope is dead, democracy is dead" type bullshit. She even went to DC to be part of the women's march (as did some step in-laws of mine.) And that's sort of the point- a pet peeve of mine is rich white liberals getting mad on behalf of minorities. Not all of my friends and extended family are white (those I know who went to the women's march are either part Hispanic or Middle Eastern or Indian,) but they all grew up not even remotely poor. Several were actually wealthy. These are people with the time and money to fly to DC for a protest. Contrast this with where I work which is 95% non-white, nearly all of them raised working class. I tell you honestly- they could give a flying fuck about Trump. The political discussion almost nil. When it does come up, you find a surprising amount of Blacks and Hispanics who openly support Trump. Even those who dislike Trump aren't violent and intolerant about it. It sort of gives me hope to see this level of sanity.

I don't understand how your political ideology could be based on other people. Honestly, how could it be that "the recent behavior of the Left drove" you to the other side? You were only liberal to begin with because they were the better-behaved party when you became interested in politics? If you believe in something like, say, small government, don't you believe in that regardless of what other people who also believe in small government do or say?

It's like watching retards play with firearms.

Its a blitzkrieg too, every 4 hours a new story comes out. You literally have to go off grid to escape it.