Sam's stupid theories on other people's motivations

14  2017-02-01 by pj530i

Been noticing these more and more lately.

First, someone, usually D-Bag or Adrian, does/says something stupid. Then, Sam takes this very mildly amusing thing and tries to milk it for 20 minutes by coming up with a ridiculously convoluted and implausible reason why they did it. Jim will halfheartedly play along by saying "yeah.." every now and then. The subject of the ridicule will try to go with the bit but it's obvious to everyone that they weren't thinking anything close to what sam is saying. He treats everyone like they're as dumb as Bobo but only Bobo is as dumb as Bobo.

Example 1: D-bag dressing up for Ricky Gervais

Sam's dumbass interpretation: "ohhh, maybe ricky gervais will notice me and think hey who's that sharp fella and put me in one of his movie pictures!"

Example 2: Adrian being slightly too enthusiastic at a wrestling show or something? Listening to yesterday's show currently but not paying attention

Sam's dumbass interpretation: "maybe they'll notice me and give me a show and I can bang mankind's daughter and eat chicken fingers. oh wait that's what I was thinking"

Please add this to your list of reasons to hate Sam.

Thank you for your time & God Bless.


Quality post. God bless you too.

Not to mention the "look who wore a nice shirt today" because of a guest bit was already done with Erock and the Chris rock movie.

Erock is actually the best actor out of all of them.

It was done to Sam too after he started dressing nicer at one point.

Hahaha I totally forgot about that.

Opie made fun of Sam for dressing nicer

Then Sam copied Opie by starting to lose his hair

Then Opie copied Sam by dressing nicer

Now Sam is copying Opie by making fun of people who dress nice

It's the circle of hack

J&S need to sign someone like Ant immediately, otherwise Sam will turn into Opie, telling fake stories and talking about his pet topics just to kill time.

Too late; Sam already drones on endlessly about his pet topics and things in the news he knows absolutely nothing about.

That's just what he's used to from the old show. It worked well when he was still only on the air once in a while for shit stirring but now he can't let it go.

His co-host attributes everything to a fetish. At least Sam mixes it up.

Sam mostly just projects his own desire for fame/recognition/coke floats onto others

Sam Roberts is man child that knows nothing about psychology and dare I say, how to funny or interesting on the radio.

Well basically this is it. He stretches everything out. Sentences, thoughts, bits, words - whatever - just to fill air time.

He really is an awfully boring, untalented broadcaster.

I don't think sam is awful but I agree, its just to fill air time between guests and news stories/videos. Make something out of nothing to fill the air, honestly they do radio 3 hours a day for 5 days a week...just saying, I have acted like i was busy when I was not a bunch on jobs..

also, D Bag is definitely no Bobo...or even Erock. Its kinda sad that they are trying to push him into that roll. Make you appreciate how amazing of a find Bobo really not Loyiing

Yeah, dbag is a young kid who does his job fine most of the time.

Not exactly comedy gold. Although I did enjoy the first 30 seconds of the 27 minute segment they did on his fancy shirt

Contrast that with Erock getting a beating for his fancy shirt when Chris Rock was filming something in the building. The whole thing was hilarious thanks to Erock being a great punching bag and Ant actually being funny.

Yes this is a useless comment. Thinking about that just made me sad is all.

Your boy Sam does this whether he needed to fill in 15 min of air time when there was the pre and post show and he does it now when he has 3 hours to fill.

He's not interesting. He's a child. His voice is terrible.

He got the dragon stance from Ronnie B otherwise he wouldn't have even known they were on the show.

Or he saw a clip briefly on facebook/some site or heard it from a friend or something, they really are a fairly big point in the show, its hard to miss it. Not everyone just copies Ron's opinions.

I like Sam in general, but I will agree that his "broadcasting" background means that he uses every fucking part of the buffalo; nothing that can fill airtime will be avoided.

d-bag is still a thing?

TBH i wasn't 100% sure what his name was since they call him d-bag most of the time.

I believe it's Derick.

I just came here to state the obvious: Sam is a fucking dork.

Sam's so duplicitous that every single move he's made in radio has been carefully pre-planned with Sam weighing every thing he says against how it might improve his career. He knew exactly who to schmooze at the right time and got to where he is today not by raw talent but by carefully crafting every move to fulfil his own ambition.

Sam see's interns do anything resembling what he did and it triggers him. He dresses them down for the exact same shit he did because he doesn't want somebody else doing to him what he did to Opie.

I don't much care about how he got to where he is. It certainly wasn't handed to him and I don't think he fucked over anyone who wasn't asking for it along the way (did he ever work for anyone besisdes scorch and opie?).

Regarding his on air behavior, I think he's doing Opie style stuff because he's not funny enough to do Jim/Anthony stuff.

Fair enough. Look, I know he worked hard to get there but I can't help but feel he played delicate politics at every opportunity in those halls. He was good at playing people off each other. Let's face it, Opie isn't that sharp. Do you honestly think Opie gave Sam a show simply out of admiration for his so-called 'talent'? Or do you think Sam had Opie exactly where he wanted him? I think Opie deserves the death of a thousand rapists personally and love that an intern has took his slot and his seat. But that doesn't mean I have to like the sort of personality that Sam has.

As for on air, we all know Sam isn't funny. And that's a problem when you only have 1 comic in there. When Opie was 1st mic, Jim had Ant to feed off and respond to. That's partly why Opie and Jim sucked. And fair enough it's not Sam's fault Jim has nobody to feed off. But it's like he doesn't want to go out on a limb with a topic or take a chance on something other than bland interview style morning radio. Sam's so intent on just keeping the show together and organised that he's forgotten it needs to be entertaining.

Sam reminds me of Little Finger from Game of Thrones.

He's definitely 'Little Fingered' his way to Opie's seat. I mean it was genius of him to do that and all. Anybody who dethrones the Opester and helps force him to an afternoon abyss deserves plaudits. But it's the way he did it. You could see him playing delicate politics in the hall...playing people off each other and coming out top. Personally, I find people like that to be giant fucking arseholes.