This is what qualifies as yuma these days. Patton loves her tho

10  2017-02-01 by aftershave


Hey it's DeVos

God damn De Vos

Hey baby, DeVos eats de coochie

i see ur 15 yr old niece and "raise" u my 10 yr old neighbor.

The comments are even more funny......yuck.

You don't need a documentary to figure out women aren't funny. Just see.the replies to any woman comedian and compare it to replies to Jimmy tweets.

She has the same hair and the shitty attire as a fat Sam Roberts.

Almost but that's not a Papa Shango t-shirt.

"LMAO! This might be the best thing I've ever read"

Phony cunt won't even remember that line by the time she leaves the page.

Might be. She can't even commit

Love me some Secretary of Education material

Did you hear the one about the guns and a bear? I keep seeing this joker all over reddit but humorless twats.

Ya well my muslim 5 year old asked me "Did America elected Hitler?" and I told her "911 91, not my president, this is what democracy looks like" as I pointed at her. Some day her muslim heart grew 5 times a large that day and exploded on a bus taking the lives of many.

This statement should go viral on Facebook!


the only time fortune feimster has ever generated laughs was when it appeared on 'Workaholics' a few years ago, and some over the top sjw numale cuck white guilt scold reviewer at the avclub referred to them as "he" in their capsule review, for which they had to go back a day later and make a grovelling, begging apology for their hateful, insensitive thoughtcrime. Now that's comedy!

Wait, Fortune Feimster is a group of people? Thought she was a new age SJW lesbian comic.

I thought you were going to say it was the time she was on 'Last Comic Standing'. That was a good 10 years ago, I see she has improved greatly in the last decade.

Who doesn't love Jonah Hill though?

Fuck, guys, I read this at my desk and I had to run out to my car because I started laughing too hard. I'm kind of embarrassed. I'm going to have to tell the gals at work that I had a sudden case of the hot watery shits, which is why I left so quickly.

You should have driven your car a bit so you'd have to pull over because you were laughing so hard.

You're right. What the hell was I thinking?!

He was laughing so hard he had to pull over his cubicle.

George Carlin has been reincarnated as a bloated flatso.

Her head is painfully swollen with thoughtful, clean yumah!

So strong, so clever, so fat, so questionably half-black and mentally ill.

What they don't realize is part of the reason Trump chose her for Secretary of Education was to invoke these types of responses.

How many open mics do I have to do before my Twitter is verified?


This doesn't even qualify as shit.

Betsy DeVos will be appearing at a senate confirmation hearing February 3-5 in Washington DC.

Did I just see a professional joke teller use a "My X would be a better Y than Z, and I don't even have an X!" joke?!

It's dead, comedy has died, and this bulldog licking piss off a lemon looking cunt killed it.

Patton loves her tho She better be caaaaareful

I see this disaster at the grocery store all the time. Im gonna crush her eggs when she's not looking for this travesty of a fucking tweet. (Not the eggs inside her, but the carton from the fridge)

She must always be in the pastry section. Or she only shows up on the days with free samples to abuse. She's not a slender gal.

Is that her real name? I want to see a birth certificate. Miss Fortune also applies to the genetic coding that configured her physical appearance.

Holy shit, that's some really corny shit.

The "And I don't even have a____________!" jokes were played out the day after they came out.

What an attractive and funny woman.

It's one thing to have these awful and stupid comedians make hamhanded political jokes, but when they give actual strategy like this they need to be slaughtered:

Democrats will waste all of their leverage trying to fight Gorsuch. They need to stop DeVos and then focus on the elections in two years.

Do NOT mess with her directly on twitter.

Maybe Patton can marry, then kill her.

I like the lady who replied with her dopey fat retard daughter. Nobody cares, cunt.

I love heart disease because it's going to kill this fat cunt.

Miss Heat Miser 2017

This sums up what has happened in our culture. The conservatives are actually more edgy, creative, and less uptight than liberals. Who would have ever thought that would be true? Conservatives were always the uptight squares who told dad jokes, and were offended by everything. It's crazy how fast things changed.

Jenny Mollen ‏@jennyandteets @fortunefunny LMAO! This might be the best thing I've ever read

Wow. That bitch is as easily amused as Compound Media subscribers.

Looking like Chunk from the Goonies...

What is that? Is that a person?

All these shithead comics want to have an opinion about all things political for the last 5 years. Comedy in year 2025 will be making jokes about the tax code.

You're right. What the hell was I thinking?!

He was laughing so hard he had to pull over his cubicle.