Someone posted Opies Bacon Sundae video on Worldstar. Y'Know; the one where it was supposed to look extremely natural and not staged, so Viral Spiral could sell it?

11  2017-02-01 by TangerineReam


how much you think she got paid for that? $10? $5?

She literally worked for food.

"I'll buy you one if you eat it like a lunatic for my camera!" ...yes, now that you mention it, I'm sure this is how it went down

Whatever it was she went straight back up to the counter and spent it on whoppers.

She taught my stand up class in college, no joke

to eat?

to what now?

Wait, he was hoping this would look unstaged?

Reminds me of those classic O&A prank phone calls from the Demented World days.

my flash player is out of date thank god

Remember the time she was scared of the automatic door? FAWKIN hilarious

If Opie wasn't rich this is what his wife would be.

Opie Raqio, Nigga!!!

Someone make a time machine to 1995 and submit it to Americans Funniest Home videos where it belongs. The only place where it will be a laugh (track) "filmed with a live audience"

what a surprise... half the worldstar comments are "she be high as fuck"

It makes me so happy that there are no Opie Radio watermarks or any mention that this is his video.