There's no way Anthony is white.

35  2017-02-01 by cbanks420lol


Definitely not white. Azerbaijani or Carpathian, yes. But not white.

More like childrapian amirite??? Fawk yeah

Nice one Chip.

Saw him serving from a Halal food truck on 6th Avenue yesterday.

No hotdog! Just kunkalash

Mountain Dew or crab juice.

Bleeeck! I'll have the crab juice.

He looks like john leguizamo's stand-in

Anthony looks like Lamont from 'Sanford and Son'

He looks more like the gypsy lady that warns you to stay indoors on the full moon.

هذا الرجل لديه شقيق الرعاية زنجي.

I agree with you but when did anyone try to suggest he was?

He was born a falafel vendor and he'll die a kiddy-fiddler.

He was definitely tanning before he got fired from Sirius. Look at him now on TACS. He looks like Frank Vincent beat the nigger out of him.

Edgar Allen Faux

Quoth the Cumia: ever Moor.

Daniel Day Jewish

oh dayum

That's a man who's fucked a goat or two.

That's the Heavy Early Neolithic Farmer in him.

Ironic that the name for a young goat is "kid"

He looks like Prince here

He's high yellow.



He makes a mean schwarma

Maybe not white but he definitely looks cleaned up enough to be one of the 9/11 hijackers.

You see, the Moors...

he's definitely swarthy

"The genetic history of the Italians is greatly influenced by the geography and history. Multiple DNA studies confirmed that genetic variation in Italy is clinal going from the Eastern to the Western Mediterranean (with Sardinians as outliers) and that all Italians are made up of the same ancestral components, in different proportions, related to Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements of Europe.[1][2][3] In their admixture ratios all Italians are similar to other Southern Europeans and that is being of heavy Early Neolithic Farmer ancestry.[4] The only exception are certain northeastern Italian populations who cluster with Germanic and Slavic speaking Central Europeans.[5]"

He is European-American. Get over it, halfbreed.

He looks like a sandnigger though.

I never said he didn't belong to the niggers of Europe. He is still European. Dawn got herself a goofy Nordic man to breed with. That Cumia nigger blood can be properly diluted to make decent White Americans.

That is more than can be said for you, nigger.

He's not white and never will be. Nah I don't really care I just think it's funny to make fun of his hideous face.

Can't argue with you there. Your obsession with calling him non white is because you're a halfbreed and confused.


Nah, unlike him I'm not in denial that I couldn't join the Aryan brotherhood.

I'm still laughing at that fuckin guy who told you to kill yourself on twitter. That naked faggot black dude. Shit was really fucking funny man

Haha i don't remember that but that sounds about right.

hi Brother Joe.

I gave a piece of candy to him in Iraq. All that's missing is a Buffalo Bills Super bowl T shirt

calm down

Threads like these are guaranteed to get you riled up.

This is the face of someone who would sell out his friends to the Empire

Gomez Adams looking ass nigga

If you're ever sightseeing in Europe and a guy like this picks up a gold ring off the ground next to you and asks if it's yours then tries to sell it to you, just walk away; it's a scam.

Neither of his parents looked straight outta tunisia so I don't get how all the kids came out like that.

Moms was banging the mailman....Pops was shooting blanks.

jee-zus christ. goddamn common sense!

"I believe in America..."

"Be my friend?"



"Hey tommy boi, can ya get me offa the hook or sumpthin?"


He looks like Bonasera.

Can't lie, if I had a store and he walked in, I'd press the schvoogie button.

He should get his DNA tested and publish the results.

The yellowing of the skin is due to 40 years of alcohol abuse

Ah yes, Ant's "Black Rage" hair dye phase.

He looks like he should be in a mariachi band

I'm not only the president of pubic hairs for men,I'm also a client.

I demand a DNA test. And a cotton swab test inside his mouth to search for sperm.

It's like a cross between John Waters and a Bollywood villain.

He looks like the villain of a Michael Mann movie.

He was great in the Addams Family

Yeah that niggers a Muslim for sure.

wops aint white