tHe AuDiAo QAiLEtY Af VhE ShOaWe SoUnDs GrEaT tOoDey

53  2017-02-01 by Dennyislife

ApHraL FaLlS


They are now playing the opie show. Just a random bit of it. Of them going to break playing a bill burr talkshow appearance.

Travis is off today and its all fallen apart.

Travis is the glue that tefts everything together.

Radio war!!!

They are now broadcasting on facebook...big time radio people these.

Facebook has like a billion hits a day! The show being featured is a big get!

They stream to 193 countries and London. That's Pfg!

This is horseshit. I don't want to hear Opie. Whoever is taking care of the audio should be beheaded in front of their family.

he looks like such a fucking dildo in this picture, it's hard to imagine what retarded thoughts were going through his mind when he picked that shirt.

ME: im a male model, time to show of the chest.

tss, where they be headin' to?

Just came back and its opie show again... I thought my radio was going bad (its an older model)

And now its back?

back to opie morning zoo now

OpIe PyRiT RaQiO!

Stupid Norton surprised you can get a driver's license at 16. Such a sheltered Mama's boy.

Can't bring hookers home to mom...

And then the Ellis show is really quite AND THEN YELLS AT YOU RANDOMLY.

The sound levels are always off. Then I hear these jerks talking the other day that people complain that it is too loud and others complain it is too quiet.

How can these fucks not understand? It is too quiet then the commercials blow your speakers out. Why can't they figure out what every other FM rock station can figure out?

it was way worse than sound was like old school static

I didn't listen this morning just wanted to pile on. I stopped listening when they went into DBAG rolling around jizz in his fingers. I'm sick of nortons homo shit. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

You ask me, it's that god damn Serious Radio

Awwwww fuck, Edgar, you got me