Bill Burr finally calls Anthony

30  2017-01-31 by unclepaul84


That was from 3 hours ago, and this is the first post about it? I know nobody watches TACS but damn.

No it wasnt.

Shit. It said the tweet was from 2:02pm on my computer.

Your computer stinks.

Yeah yeah...

3 hours ago, the show wasnt even on.

Ratings really dropped after they fixed the cancelled sub bug on the site.

The only reason he is calling ant is because he's got something to sell. He has no real like for him.

Because of the huge new market of the Anthony Cumia show....

Why is he hitting every morning zoo right now? Just a coincidence?

Publicity sure (works two ways). But to act like Anthony has some kind of separate market than the ones Bill has already crossed during the "tour" Who don't know already who Bill is, is fucking retarded.

Bill has also been radio silent since then, it's almost like Anthony was the pity call at the end of his Tour. Especially now, because Anthony was actually invited to Patrice's benefit this year.

Bill has double the followers of Anthony Cumia on social media. If anything Bill did Ant a favor.

I used to subscribe to tacs but I don't follow bill Burr. I just know he's highly overrated here.

You used to subscribe to TACS? Tell me, what do you get out of lighting money on fire?

I just know he's highly overrated here.

Yeah. The people really love him here. Seen threads recently about him being a sellout (Because his ideas and ideals have grown along with him) and how he's the husband to a gorilla.

Yup, some real Bill Burr ass kissing going on around here.

Who cares, they both stink now. Fuck these has been unfunny losers.

That's some sick teenage angst, bro.

Teenagers don't care who Bill Burr or Tranthony are. You're 60 and single.

I'm 28 and absolutely single. I don't give a fuck about Ant, I am admittedly a Bill Burr fan. Because I'm not some 40 year old edge lord who hasn't grown up over the past 15 years, while many of the comedians that are now hated, have.

Shit, Patrice has grown more in the last 5 years than most of you fools ever have.

Patrice is the most over rated person in the O&A universe. Then bill. The only real funny person is CQ.

The only real funny person is CQ.

Oh, so it turns out YOU'RE the one that's 60 and single.

Im 32.

To the dozen of tacs fans..

Oh look who showed up on Jim and Sam!! Bill Burr , selling specials. He sucks.

what is he selling? confederate flags?

That's the reason most public figures or celebrities do an shows at all you retard.

No Dignity. ...

ree someone stream it

His phone connection was awful. It was just stupid helicopter talk.They both sounded pretty uncomfortable. PeCkaz

How long did it last?

How long... Will it last

Autism is for life

like 15ish mins

Bill Burr finally calls Anthony

Do you mean "Bill Burr calls Anthony once again because Anthony finally got the balls to return Bill's call after being too scared to for a YEAR"?

I have been instructed by KtC to give Bill Burr a call. I am scared! I love Bill. Bill has given us some of the best radio ever over the years. He is a very talented comic, and very fucking funny and quick witted. And a great actor, also! But there is something about him that frightens me, and I think he is mad at me. I don't even know! I think he's mad at me for what happened that brought my firing, or what he heard second and thirdhand about what happened that brought about my firing.

Regardless of which one these are, I'M SCARED! But I have to pick up the phone and talk to Burr at some point. WHY DO I HAVE TO?! KEITH?!

That's silly of course, but there's something likable about Anthony's self-awareness about things like that. I think it's why he'll never catch quite the degree of shit Opie did/does.

You could have just said "Anthony's cute," you fuckin fruit.

Are you suggesting what I said was homosexual in some way?

Whaddya, a homosexual, Taylor?

He's scared that burr will once again, hold a mirror up to ants pathetic belief that he's a victim and that white Americans are being victimised by a pro black media.... ants a fuckin idiot and bill exposes it

You've posted a variation of this comment what, 3 times now? You obviously have an agenda.

The mainstream media is anti-white anyone with half a fucking brain can see that. And guess what, I'm a white dude who grew up all around black people, and have black friends that agree with me.

So good luck using your typical Social Justice Warrior bullshit "lol rich white guy thinks the media is against him" that you keep throwing around.


Tl;dr ants a racist

nicely said...sick of these shit bags sticking their head in the sand

Ant is a dumb racist who knows nothing but politics but if you think that the media isn't anti-white you're a fucking moron.

was it worth listening to? Or was just phony balogny?

Here's a summary: Bill starts by saying that he's on his way to the bank to sign his life away. Anthony asks if it's a for a mortgage. Bill says it's for life insurance, because he just had a kid. Anthony ignores this and proceeds to ask him questions about how cool flying a helicopter is for 10 minutes.

hahah, well, respect to Ant for not giving a fuck about his dumb baby, that no one cares about but him. I don't even think he said congrats.

He did say congrats but promptly moved on because, as you said, nobody gives a fuck about a dumb halfrican baby.

I was hoping Vinny would banter with Billy tbh :(

Too little, too late.

Jesus christ that retarded filter really does look like ass

The most exciting news of 2015.

Bill has a new Netflix special to plug.

Gotta broadcast it to all 10 subscribers and Joe Cumia.

Little too late. I love bill and look forward to his new special but I don't watch Anthony's show anymore.

Why's his picture look like Red Foreman?

You could have just said "Anthony's cute," you fuckin fruit.

Gotta broadcast it to all 10 subscribers and Joe Cumia.