Alex Jones PSA

12  2017-01-31 by unclepaul84


I'm starting to unironically enjoy Alex Jones.

He's total garbage, but would he be funny to hangout with? Yea, totally.

No way he shares his coke.

His face looks like he was poisoned with Polonium

Is the New World Order Poisoning Alex Jones?

He's come a long way from being Jessie Venturas bitch on that Conspiracy Show

I didn't know that he was the picture of health that we should all emulate.

I will always respect him after he made the Young Turks behave like the savages we all knew they were

"Get off the stage, you FAT F---!"

"Make me a steak bitch."

"I'm not used to hearin a woman naggin me"

Boy what a fat old retard. he got a professional photographer to set up this picture. think about that.

what the fuck happens to men in their 40s?

The photo is enraging. I can just picture the whole set up with multiple lights and a wind machine and his flunkies scurrying around.

Alex Jones is the oldest looking 42 year old in the world

Alex Jones is the J.F. Sebastian of talk radio

His hairline looks like a soft-top convertible stuck halfway open. good thing he skips floride though.

Jesus Christ he's only in his 40s?! I don't say this lightly, but even Bald Opie looks better than he does. Must be the airplane glue.

Couldn't he just ask his boy Trump to stop that bullshit?

No shit, it doesn't have enough alcohol content in it.