With all these posts about politics and comedians being faggots on Twitter, I think we need to remember what's most important...

70  2017-01-31 by Crownenberg

Joe Cumia is a 60 year old cosplayer who pays neighborhood children to spit in his mouth for sexual reasons and lives off a monthly allowance from his baby brother.



It's in these dark times we need to remember what brought us together in better days.

Ahhhhhh peckahs.

I heard that this man has devolved into a miscreant who actually enjoys children urinating in his mouth for sexual purposes. If this is true, he needs to get his life together and stop being such a Brother Joe.

This man should be banned from traveling, he's a danger to children of the world.


He's also a self hating blackman

Don't you love these old white guys that grew up treating women like shit, selling drugs, getting in fights, and trying to look tough, talking about how young black men who act the same way need to "behave"?

Kind of a valid point but blacks like anth and joe never learn

well fuck, i was hoping for a Vos

Alright, of course it's a Vos post... FUCK

I was heartbroken

He's a Tunisian cum eater, too.

And that he obsessively reads this sub daily so that he can pop in every once in a while and really give you haters the business.

Hi Joe!

Fuck that cosplaying faggot.


Lol I've never seen this but my favorite part is either the table of 60 year old men with sleeveless shirts or the last picture with Ant's greasy shirt and the horse-faced bitch with a bad dye job. If that's Joe's wife, he's clearly into incest.

What's the story behind the spitting?

On this video, our very own u/GRIZx (pizza) left a delightful comment about Joe and his deviant behaviour. It prompted the bald tard to respond with "And I shit in your mother's cunt", which he later deleted. That's where it started.

I don't know if there was anything behind griz leaving the comment originally. I'm guessing it was just something random to get a reaction out of Joe and it worked wonderfully.

That laugh is solid gold

This was almost a year before the subreddit jumped on the joe Cumia hating bandwagon. If I remember correctly I think the subreddit was still on Anthony's side at the time. I could be wrong. I would get notifications for brother joes dumb video podcast and since he got like 5 views on his video it was easy to fuck with brother Joe. Back then He would feverishly write these longwinded diatribes to single sentence comments shitting on him. The shame is he deleted most of his replies, they were pure gold! I'll see if I have any of them screencapped when I get home.

I'll see if I have any of them screencapped when I get home.]

Please do. God I wish we could lure that tard back here somehow.

People may have been firmly on Anthony's side but no one has ever liked BROTHER JOE

I almost forgot that LFTC used to be funny

baby brother

This implies that Joe fucked Anthony and gave him children. If anything, Ant is his sugar brother.

I was really expecting Rich Vos at Dunkin Donuts in Poughkeepsie

Vos did a show at this fucking awful chain called MJ's here in NJ. Worst burger I've ever had.

Can someone link me the video where he's in a park with a high pitched voice? That's hilarious

Remember when Joseph Cumia started an indiegogo fundraiser for his podcast and only raised $223? Well he converted it to bitcoin and bought some pre-teen boy pics from the dark web

This man should be banned from traveling, he's a danger to children of the world.


Vos did a show at this fucking awful chain called MJ's here in NJ. Worst burger I've ever had.