Matt donaher blocked Jim and Sam account for zero reason

64  2017-01-31 by Dennyislife

Also blocked Adrian just for following him. I suspect this guy is a touchy faggot


How do you know he blocked the J&S account? Did they mention it?


Haha awesome. Just checked twitter, he's been spammed with hatred more than ever now.

We are all retweeting our block pics.. come join in gang 😀

I wish i had a daily morning radio show to vent my uninformed view of the world, love of trannys, and complain about people blocking me on twitter....

but then again, life is good when youre not Joe Cumia.

Whatever morsel of a comedy career this guy managed to scrape is rapidly disintegrating

I have to reevaluate my semi-respect for Conan O'brian.

frankly dear i dont give a damn

C'mon, don't you wanna see what other beloved comedy he's going to rip off a line from today? I'm hoping for Airplane!

Joey.... Do you like movies about Gladiators?



I'm glad someone called him out on that. It's a family-friendly sub, for Pete's sake!

Holy shit. I'm blocked and I've had nothing to do with messing with him. I haven't even tweeted in a few days. I guess just following Ant made me a potential scary threat.

Me too and I've never even looked at twitter at all in a few weeks.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hurt :(

Don't let go of this. This queeb needs to feel the twitter pain..

If he's blocking people still, he's sensitive. Get him!

What's funny is how quickly he lives up to every one of the right's stereotypes about liberals. Easily offended, white privileged male, stamping his feet because he doesn't get his way (he's still tweeting Acura about Seinfeld), insulting anyone who disagrees with him, unable to have an actual conversation with anyone who disagrees with him, and in need of a safe space.

I'm actually a liberal but this guy stinks, and I don't like him. Never heard his comedy but already I hate him.

I hate that he's given the irredeemable cunts on this sub something to rally around and have fun with for several days. Talk about feeding the trolls

Do ya?

haha I know that reference too!


luv u bb :*

I'm sure his 3-4 day shows in Des Moines next month will go super. Rednecks love that beta white male self-hatred.

I really hate that we're the go-to reference for clueless coastals. I'm so glad 2008 happened to you fucks.

I love that he tweets Acura complaining about Jerry Seinfeld. Acura gets whiny tweets from a nobody comedian complaining about a world famous comedian who is using their car in his TV show. Hmmmm who will they side with I wonder?

The faggoty liberal cuck doesn't realize how little his opinion matters to major corporations. Acura knows if they drop Seinfeld a dozen other car companies will jump in and offer their vehicles.

Seinfeld is moving the show to Netflix anyway, this anaemic little bitch should be tweeting them for giving Seinfeld 8 figures


I'm actually a liberal

Actual liberals are a minority among the left in the current year.

Someone should tell twinkle toes that a guest spot on Norton/Sam would be his Conan of 2017.

How does a guy who is playing a room with a capacity of 12 where the entry is free ever end up on a Late Night TV show?!

As long as you have a semi competent agent that's connected. Talk shows have 261 days to fill give or take so you can fill it up with up and coming comedians.

And Norton has still never been on.


The reason is that he's a big queefy helmet.

I heard Materese sent him a thank you note, and free Skype comedy lessons for 3 weeks.

His twitter page is mainly him calling people disgusting and asking what they're going to do with their lives once trump is impeached. Talk about living in a bubble. I bet this guy was anti-TPP two years ago when every Democrat candidate including hillary was calling it "the worst trade deal you've never heard of", but he's now seen the error of his ways because the reality tv man canceled it.

The only funny thing on the entire page is a retweet of some random schmoe with the line "Steve Bannon looks like the human version of beer shits".

The real question is, what is HE going to do once Trump is impeached, and Mike Pence starts rounding up all the gays and putting them in camps.

Mike "Cis or deceased" Pence?

The only TPP I'm concerned with is the Trans Pacific Peckas!!

Got blocked in just 15 mins after asking him why he didn't go on the show.

I told him that being unsuccessful and unable to afford an Acura isn't a valid reason to Tweet to Acura Client Care.

I was just trying to help.

Who cares. Who cares about any of this. The sub that loves to call Twitter users 12 year old girls, is engaging in the targeted harassment of a no name comic on Twitter. And now you're actively paying attention to who gets blocked?

What bunch of little fucking girls. How embarrassing can you get.


You are posting in this sub with a username specifically related to this sub. Your opinion on what is embarrassing is irrelevant.

Not related to this sub, no.

I am Bam's Vacation Photos.

This fucker blocked me too.. The only thing i did was to upvote some gentle humour about his comedic ability.

I believe there's a few twitter app that will block anything even remotely "alt-right"

Here's an example -

That cunt gets 3k a month via patreon

Makes me want to sneak in and fake my way to a few grand each month

It's OK, the lads have been throwing him a Twitter beating all afternoon.


The guy is too thin skinned to be a comic. He blocked me for agreeing with Artie.

Sockcucka blocked me too