This sub Reddit is dog shit

0  2017-01-31 by mikehh9

A couple hundred over weight far right twat bags making dozens of threads about how no one on "faction talk" knows anything about politics and is boring and bland ?

Scroll down and I'd have to say that this is boring and bland.

Fuckin Boooooooo


Fuck you and your fat girlfriend.

PS - does she have a sister?

Yeah, she's eight. I called dibs though.

Shhhhure, c'mere and get a liddle of the sardine errrol

He's a gamer do you really think he has a girlfriend?

Does his Wonder Woman pillow count?

Did you write this with one hand on your bow knife?

Fake and gay


I'd have you know that I'm an overweight, left-leaning twatbag. Fuck you and good day.

Infinite Warfare is dogshit and only fags play Final Fantasy

Video games are high art for the lowest, saddest people... An absolute waste of human effort, aside from the financial gain for developers. It's amazing that gamers have any kind of superiority complex.

Congratulations on further anesthetizing your lonely ass brah, I don't care.

Almost like we're not getting paid to do this

2 years, 10 karma.

Years well spent.

over weight far right twat bags I'll have you know that Bickers is by no means far right. He is overweight though.

I listen to Chapo Trap House if it makes you feel any better.

I'm a marxist socialist like Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman

Your criticism is one thing but there was no need to frighten everyone at the end

I love gays, drugs and abortions (preferably at the same time), so that would hardly make me "far right". I'm 6'/185 so not overweight either. I'm definitely a "twat bag" though

Why are you still here?

am not fat

I'm neither overweight or far right so there

Who do you rape for a living, character?

I was reading this post to my dog,he's only 6 in dog years,can't read yet..He told me ,to tell you Rooof Rooof arrf arrf arrrr Rooof arrf arri arrrr woo off. Translated to English (he's German Shepherd ).YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENUFF TO SMELL HIS SHIT AND YOU GAY.

It's hard to effectively insult people when we can easily read your submission history and see that you are a Dr. Who-watching techie faggot.

Dr who ? Lol ... wow your not so smart eh? Enjoy idiocy.

Just to reiterate, your all a bunch of ignorant cunts. Bashing video games shows just how fucking blatantly stupid you are.

Now go watch a movie for 90 mins while you sit with your thumb up your ass while us silly gamers solve puzzles while looking at some of the best art currently being made in the world.

Dip shit.