Any event can be made fun of...

0  2017-01-30 by TonyFromLongIsland

But are you really laughing directly in the kid's face about his paralyzed father? For what? Yeah, he's a nobody board OP. Okay. Hate that if you want, but taunting him about his father? I don't get it. I'm genuinely asking you this.


Who you talkin at?

Aww you still bitter cuz everyone sided with Jimmy and not you and your psychotic Patton obsession?

Naw I'm chewer tsss take us out pig.

"Chewer"? Not "sweeter"?

Tsss what am I fawkin suga or sum'n

No, just illiterate.

Tsss I should get some medicine

Arsenic is good.

Tsss what are ya talkin about british butts or sum'n?

double cheeks cocksucka

Alright, redeemed.

A couple of chip's and he's forgiven. We really are a fickle bunch.

No, the Chips were garbage. It's how pathetically bad the last one was that it horseshoe theoried it's way into making me chuckle.

What's the skinny on this?

Yeah, anyone got the 411?

what's the haps?

Where we at?.. burp

Wha happen

i can give you the info but i'm gonna need some gold

No Coyote, you be trippin'


Stop being a sensitive Sally

Tss I should be a sensitive Richardy.

Ha ha! He's paralyzed!

Nobody is on your side man. Just let it go. Sit back, spark up a bowl and listen to some cool tunes and forget about Jim Norton and pattin Oswald.

This thread has consumed so much of my energy.

A couple of chip's and he's forgiven. We really are a fickle bunch.

No, the Chips were garbage. It's how pathetically bad the last one was that it horseshoe theoried it's way into making me chuckle.