Sherrod's role on the show

10  2017-01-30 by haamm

Of all Opie regulars I feel like Sherrod is the fucking absolute worst. Dude talks over everyone and almost nothing he says is funny. He's uninformed on most topics and adds nothing to the conversation yet he seems to talk 2 times more than anyone else. He's the one guest I really can't stand


Hot take.

I mean the episode on currently is one of the first times I've really noticed how insufferable he is... even Henley is better

dude, Henley freaking rocks out on mic

even Henley is better

slow down fella, at least sherrod looks funny, and sounds funny....... hes like the black Bobo

We both got big niggery tongues!

Nigga, you don't deserve to be a part of #SherrodsTwitterArmy


Please stop listening .Wtf is wrong with you.

Why should I stop listening?

Because it's been scientifically proven that listenin to opie raqio raises your estrogen levels and bust size

Your own sanity?

The craziest thing is that Sherrod is actually being paid to be there

Yeah man I feel like they could get anyone else and it'd be better content

I love my chicken from Popeyes!

He's the house dumb ass.

What do you mean by "he's the house"?

he's said he's the "house dumb ass," dumb ass.

right but what does that mean??? What does it mean that "he is the house"?

You're a retard.

Ok sorry I am clearly walking on Greggshells

"House nigger" is a old insult used by slaves for the slave that would work in the house doing more menial house chores rather than working the fields, kinda as a butler except black and most likely less efficient.

i think you can put together the rest, it is rather clever once you get the lingo down

ha! like the Opie thing! that's a good pull!

Sir, back in the days of slavery, the most hated slave, amongst themselves, was the "House Negro". The poster made a humorous reference to Sherrod, since he is in fact an African-American, being the House Dumb-Ass, or for this inference, House Negro.

If only Francine hadn't been so loose with her blow jobs, we'd still have the field nigger with us. #rippatrice

he's Chris Rock's cousin.

We're black!

He walks in at least 10 minutes late everyday, and he's getting paid? Today Henley politely told him to stop talking over a caller.

You're not wrong.

He's cannon fodder. Opie uses him to catch the beat-downs. Next to Sherrod, Opie looks like in-his-prime Hoo Hoo.

He's the appointed Uncle Tom. When Patrice died he took on that role.

I just appropriate the opinion of the person sitting next to me by interrupting them when they are half way through their sentence. Stealing opinions that I'm too dumb to formulate on my own and then talking over everyone with malformed gibberish is my way of getting reparations from y'all white folk for enslaving my parents at the Bronx Zoo.

came here to agree wholeheartedly.

sherrod is an ugly disgusting unfunny piece of shit human. I loved that moment bill burr had enough of his bullshit. its on YouTube.

"there's your president Bill"