Boom! Dis guy is good!

9  2017-01-30 by unclepaul84


Him and Patton sum up why comedy is now dead

Ya kiddin'!

Yes Patrice died 😢

Patrice "Comedy" O'Neal


I know it's kind of a played out thing to say, but it would be amazing to hear Patrice's take on this whole thing. How many comedians would he be putting on blast daily? Not to mention how he would react to Schumers nonsense. I miss that big black goof.

I hope he enjoys being told to go home for the next 8 years

He is a snowflake. But some snowflakes get pissed on.

Who disagrees with you today sweety

I wish we could retroactively take away his citizenship. Comes from his shithole, terror sponsoring, gay killing, woman suppressing, pigsty country Pakistan and tells us what America is doing wrong. Go back to your own country and make that better before you preach about how bad America is.

You should add incest normalizing and boy raping.

Watching liberals try to dogmatically rationalize this is amusing and disgusting at the same time, but they feel compelled to do it any time it's brought up.

And don't forget bestiality

Okay so they do have some good things going for them.

He is only naming the bad.

Holy shit that's actually trumps real account and not a parody!!!


I bet his shoes always smell weird.

He does realize his country should be on the banned list.

I don't give a shit about the original post, but the guy who posted the NES game "Bad Dudes" start screen in response was hilarious.

That game was written by cocaine

Does he only care about this issue because he is brown? Yes. Are most terrorists brown? Yes. Biased, racist cuck.

WHOAAAA BURN shut up you fuckin turban jerker

the old switcharoo

I can't believe how many people are saying they can't believe he used the word "dudes". He put quotations around "bad" and "dudes" have they not learned yet that he is purposefully doing this as persuasion. The more liberals spread his use of words the more it is going to be in their minds. He didn't put quotation marks around those words, and use them absentmindedly, he did it purposefully, and by liberals spreading it around and making it a meme they are doing what he wants.

You guys really overshoot the intelligence of Trump, always adding some kind of super twist and underlying secret plan for the way he's behaving

It seems pretty obvious to me. He purposefully put quotes around bad and dudes, which weren't even in the same sentence, so everyone is repeating the phrase, bad dudes. It works because liberals view him as dumb.

Or he just dgaf

I thought everyone on the left called him a narcissist? He can't be that and also not care what people think. They also call him Hitler, but think he's a moron. He manipulates the media, which hates him, he beats everyone against him. If you don't like him, he's actually scarier than you think, because he's smarter than the left thinks he is.

He is no facist, racist or Nazi. Just a insecure person who is looking for approval. Takes everything personally and responds like a butthurt teenager.

If he had a large following within black lives matter, Donald would write executive orders on the imprisonment of all White police. He has no principles (good or bad), just an old friendless man who found a group so desperate for control they elected him and called him god empror. Bonus point that they whitewash everything he does. A Clinton shill on steroids and without the paycheck. He will move on from that group once things normalize a bit. Just my opinion and observations

Lol Trump misspelled jews

You know he gets pegged by his wife and asks permission to orgasm

Watching liberals try to dogmatically rationalize this is amusing and disgusting at the same time, but they feel compelled to do it any time it's brought up.

And don't forget bestiality

Okay so they do have some good things going for them.

He is only naming the bad.