Message to the PC crowd that have had power for a long time

18  2017-01-30 by unclepaul84


Chris Benoit is a better father than Gregg Hughes.

And they both had retards.

Glad the PC crowd is gone, but pardon me if I'm not thrilled that the anti-science religious closet homos are now in charge. You all suck.

We can handle the jesus boys, they are an old problem...the SJWs need tamping down

People teaching their kids about creationism and shoving pamphlets in my hand bothers me a whole lot less than the entire academic/media/pop culture apparatus in this country setting arbitrary limits of free speech, and then sending out social justice mobs to destroy anyone who disagrees with them.

Well you're a dumb faggot if you're more offended by the PC crowd than you are by people putting Jesus over science. One is a minor annoyance that you only really have to think about when you're on the Internet or if you watch MSLSD. The other will eventually bring down the country. Priorities.

yeah get mad bro



Legend has it this is exactly what he did after he stood up from his kid's bedside.

PC is dead, all hail the new pc

Trump is dog shit and I can't wait for the day that he's removed from power.

So you're really looking forward to January 20th, 2024?